Tuesday, July 26, 2011

29 Weeks...

30 Weeks according to my midwife. Went for my appt today, I was told I was low for my hemocrit and she said it was normal for this time of the pregnancy and after baby it will go back to normal. That's good to hear since I was always told I was anemic as a little kid, which didn't really make sense to me. I think it was just the doctor trying to sell my mom prescription drugs for me lol. Heartbeat was an awesome 144bpm and head is still down and really really low. I measured at 30 or 31 I didn't see which one. My weight is getting up there but I still feel like I'm not as heavy as I was with S. I wish I had written the weight down. All I remember is my end weight of 165 b/c the doctor said "I bet you've never been that big before in your life" I dont know if that was an insult or what? I guess for my purpose I will write down I was 143lbs today. I've been getting headaches again and as much as I'm hydrating it doesn't seem to work. We are starting hypnobirthing classes on thursday. That should be exciting, since we never did a birthing class with S. This time around is much more different, and I want to be prepared for a long painful labor or a really fast and crazy one.

On to the business of my wonderful child...she had swim class yesterday and has had them for the past month but what is different about this time is that she swam the shorter length of the pool!! And she learn to float on her back and kick. She still looks like a octopus having seizures 90% of the time but if she really tries she can be good at swimming or at least trying to survive if she's ever left unattended in a pool by someone other than husband or myself. She's my sunshine and I love her and every stupid thing she does makes me proud. Last night we read some books. She's getting better at recognizing the words and reading them to me which is AWESOME! She's so ahead of what they would teach her at school which is good and bad I guess. That's all for now, my head is pounding!


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