Thursday, July 14, 2011


Well I did my appt yesterday. The day started pretty crappy, I wanted to wake up early enough to be at my mom's house by 8 so I could eat by 810 and leave to get to the appt at 9am. That did not happen. I got to my moms house at 830! Made my breakfast for the glucose test(2 eggs, 2 whole wheat toasts, 4 ounces of juice, 8 ounces of milk) I know it was a lot, and I did not think I was going to be able to finish...needless to say, I finished around 840ish which was sooo not part of the schedule they gave me! I get to the office on time since it only takes about 20 mins or so and I did my appt. Lynn, the super awesome one, said I needed to go to the lab to get it done(guessing there was no girl to draw my blood there yet). So she measured the baby which was at 27weeks and perfect. Spine is along my left side and legs are to the right, which explained the kicking on my right side. Head is down and would prefer for it to stay down. Baby's heartbeat was 148bpm. Went over the kick counts and all that fun stuff. Went to get my blood drawn and I'm just so fascinated by the process, ever since I was little I would always stare at the needle, which nurses found weird that I wasn't scared lol. Then I was done which was nice. Went to work and had a long day!

Last night I slept pretty great! Both S and I went to sleep without problems, her before me; she was so cute on the bed and cuddled. I told her to wait for me but she just fell asleep all by herself :-( I woke up around 630am which is normal these days but was able to fall asleep quickly and didn't wake up again until 830!!! I was running soooo late!

Work has proven to be unproductive, have been working on things that will actually take me a while. Went to the gym and did about a mile and a half and also some know that machine which is every man's fantasy where you close and open your legs wide. I dont look as sexy as I have in the past but the stretching is good for my legs and crotch area so I will be doing that as often as possible. Now I'm waiting on little one to wait up so I can do kick counts. Being pregnant is the most worrysome time since you are not able to see what is going on!

That's all for today I think


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