Monday, July 18, 2011

My child....

My child seems to be some sort of oddity when it comes to being sick. She will have a fever for a few hours and have it be gone without anything else really happening to her. This happened sunday afternoon, I was home with her most of the morning and she was basically her crazy self. Then I had to go and do some quick toiletry shopping at Target and when we got there she had a FIT! She wanted an orange cart(target always has those older sun-baked carts that have faded) she loves them, I dont know why! But she wanted to get one from outside which was too far of a walk for me waddling ass to go get with her wanting me to pick her up so I told her we needed to get one from inside b/c those were too hot(whatever so I lied). Anyways we get inside and of course there are only two orange ones, both absolutely stuck. No way for me to get them out without going into labor right there. So she threw another fit, crying going crazy and she's NEVER like this so I know something is wrong. I talked her down from the ledge by telling her to get some cart wipes which she loves too, but she wanted them for her face...another fit! I comforted her b/c I apparently the most patient woman in the world and I hate stressing over her acting like a total a-hole and she sat in the cart with no problem. I got my shopping done encountering a high amount of stupid people, specifically the asshole couple that say me pick up a giant bag of dog food 7 months pregnant and decided they would just block my cart so I couldnt get to it. I hope they eat shit and die!

I digress, So she saw goldfish crackers and wanted them and I realized now the reason I got them for her was b/c she did keep crying the whole time while in the cart so I told her if she stopped she would get them. I'm guessing at some point she did. We left and met up with my parents for lunch and she was feeling a little warm, she ate some apples and mac and cheese and fell asleep on my lap at the restaurant! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! She is not one to nap anymore and at a restaurant...she must be feeling bad! So I ate in piece and we left, she was half awake on the way to my parents and she fell asleep again and woke up at 9ish. She basically slept about 4 hours. She had a low grade fever(101) so I did not feel the need for ibuprophen. Just let her sleep, gave her a cool bath, some dinner and cuddling. That always seems to be the trick with her so I rarely resort to any medicine since its the body's natural way of taking care of business, I def dont want to hinder that. So fever was gone a few hours later and she was back to normal the next day. That said, she's my oddity. She's had maybe 4 fevers and none have lasted more than 8 hours...that makes me thankful.

Today she went to her swim class, then when we got home we tried rescuing an injured bird who did not want to be rescued. She's sweet to all animals. I also learned how she wants to be a dolphin when she grows up so she can show Ms. Erika(swim teacher) how good she can swim. I also learned that Pete from the mickey mouse gang is a cat and not a dog...always thought it was a dog, but now that she mentioned it, he does look like a cat.

I think that sums up my day so far


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