Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's been a while...

I've been busy busy but it's a new year and new US. I think I need to blog more to keep all their milestones here. So here's a quick recap:
I'd noticed how S' right arm or mainly her elbow was swollen one morning and she couldn't straighten it out. I noticed this after trying to take her pajamas off and she started crying and I thought it was just her whinning because of how fast I took it off. I Feel Horrible. So took her to school and told the teacher to keep and eye on her and if she complained then to just call me. She then said, oh she probably slept on it wrong. I picked her up that day, still swollen but she said insisted it did not hurt. I called the doctor and made an appt, then I cancelled it since the swelling went down and she could straighten it. I Suck! I noticed as days went that she kept going back to keeping it at 90 degrees in the mornings but extending it more at night...finally I took her in as part of her and M's check up and three doctor said it was a dislocated elbow, normal at this age. She popped it back in and told me to call her back if she didn't get back to normal. S cried, I felt bad. Again. And on top of that pain, she had to get shots too! Two days later, still the same UGH! So I took her back in and she said it might be fractured or just so out of place that she will need an xray and possibly a cast. What?! I I'm feeling shittier and shittier for not doing this sooner. I also had her check a cough and fever she didn't have 2 days prior. She then recommended a nebulizer with albuterol! What the hell! My baby was having such a bad wee and that was the day after her school play which she did wonderful in despite feeling like that. The doctor gave her a breathing treatment there and being such a healthy kid as she is, she had never been through any of this in her whole life, let alone in one day. That said she was having a panic attack in the office with that mask on! That made the Dr recommend we take her to the er to get the xray since she may need to be sedated! Ok fine! I give up! My mom couldn't go with me to the hospital so I asked C to see if he could leave early to go with me, by the time he got home and ate dinner, it was late and the doctor she sent us to was gone. We went the next day and waited and waited and waited in the er. She did ok with the xray my husband said, but not great since the tech needed her arm to go in a painful position for it. Waited some more and finally got to see the orthopaedic doctor on call who said she needed a cast! Shit! I must say, that little girl is wonderful. We were there for almost 6 hours, with a prescription and recommendation mind you, and she did awesome while the cast got put on. She was even a little excited because it was pink. 2 weeks and she gets it taken off on Tuesday! Yay! Her cough got better with the nebulizer and she has been pretty normal with the cast on her right arm being that she's right-handed and all. I cannot express how much I love her and I'm so proud, even though she drives me crazy 90% of the time.


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