Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why kids don't listen

Lately (since a few months before the baby was born), C and I have been having problems getting S to listen. Now its not a big deal compared to other children, she's not doing anything really bad in the process but I don't want this to escalate to something that could be bad. She's so in love with her little brother than she can't resist the urge to kiss him and hug him ALL DAY LONG! Its annoying to him and for us also b/c a lot of this love happens when he's asleep and he gets woken up and then get angry. This is where not listening comes in; she basically "ignores" us when we tell her not to do something half a second before she does it. For example, as she's approaching the baby to kiss him or hug him as he's asleep, we tell her not to do it at that time b/c he's asleep and she hesitates and does it anyways. Its constant and she doesn't seem to understand the concept. Today was the worse one of all but I think I finally understand why kids don't listen.

We were bored at the house and went to the park to let her get out and enjoy the beautiful day. She wanted to go roller skating so we went to Blanchard park. Her bike was in the back of the van since I'm not planning on taking it out any time soon. I needed my jogging stroller so I had to take the bike out first to get that out. She saw it so she decided that instead she wanted to ride the bike. No biggie. We get her helmet on, cross the little road to the bike trail and off she goes. And keeps going and going and we basically are waiting for her to look back and stop or turn around, she doesn't. C calls out to her and no response, again he tries, and nothing. I call out to her and tell her we are going home if she doesn't listen and nothing. She is about a little over a quarter of a mile away when my husbands screams her name as loud as he can without getting arrested and scares the shit out of the baby. Nothing! He runs after her while I try to calm the baby down, who is having a meltdown b/c he just got startled to death. She comes back crying while he's basically telling her she sucks at listening. I take her aside and ask her if she heard him screaming at her. She says not. Now she's not lying and I know this, I just had to re-phrase the questions. "Did you hear daddy say your name?!" No response which means she did hear it. "Why didn't you stop, then?" Her answer made me laugh I almost peed. (sobbing)"Because I was winning" (sob)(sob) Now its not that she didn't hear us, its that she was in her own world. She thought this was a game and we were trying to get her off her game so we could win, and she wasn't having any of that. The moral of the story don't listen. They hear, but they don't listen.

And I will never find the answer as to why, but this kind of explains it a little more. Rules have to be established before any game that you never knew you were a part of starts. That way you don't end up loosing without even knowing it and your child doesn't end up riding her bike into the damn river because she didn't want to stop!

2 months!

My baby boy is 2 months (yesterday). He is 12lbs 13oz as of last Wednesday which is 2 lbs more than S was at around the same time. He is getting so fat and I am proud to say that he has not one drop of formula. Unlike S who, from my lack of knowledge about breastfeeding, had some formula. I wish I had known enough not to even introduce albeit the 2 or 3 oz that I attempted to give her which she refused b/c of the taste I'm sure.

Here are some pics I tried to take yesterday.

Yes I know! hes really fat, he's getting good quality milk!

My hand

It's broken. Well the pinky knuckle is. I finally decided to make an appt for an orthopedic doctor a month after the accident since the pain was not getting better and at times it was worse and they did an x-ray which determined that the reason for the pain was the fracture. I hate people, I made a pointless trip to the ER at the request of the paramedics who told me to go to Winnie Palmer(maternity hospital) b/c I was pregnant at the time, eventhough maternal instinct told me that the baby was fine. So I wasted 6 hours there and was wheeled to a person who apparently couldnt see that i needed a hand x-ray and not an arm one after repeatedly being told by me and my swollen HAND that it was not an arm xray. ASSHOLE OLD LADY.

Here it is! If that's not something that should've been noticed the day of the accident then those people mustve been looking at their asses. I need to order the xray for them and see for myself.

This was taken at the initial appt. I've gone 3 times since and its healing. First three weeks I had to have it taped since theres nothing you can do a month after a fracture if nothing was done at the time.

I did go to an attorney and they cant really do a malpractice case b/c there is not big big damage. I agree with it not being as big of a deal as death but its not about my hand and more about preventing someone from missing something big in the future.

I suck at this

I really should keep up with this since I realize this is the one thing that will keep track of what's going on with my life and my children's lives. I did not update on the circumcision situation, so here it goes: Oct 7th. We show up to this pretty old medical plaza run by Arnold Palmer children's hospital. They do outpatient services and quick surgeries, weiner snipping being one of them. We get directed to the waiting room and sit and nervously wait. I'm a wreck and think about how my husband needs to show up NOW! I wait and wait and finally get called to the little exam room. The lady who made the appt also does everything but the procedure itself. She gave me some ppwk to sign, basically a disclaimer that told me what could go wrong and I freaked out even more! I read it about a hundred times and I don't sign it, I just wait for C to show up so he could read it. "Maybe this will change his mind" I thought. He calls me and I tell him how to get to the room. FINALLY! So he reads the ppwk and says "ok? what about it?" Apparently the .001% risk of it looking "weird" or having no feeling on it after the procedure is not enough to change his mind. WHATEVER, I give up! My beautiful intact baby boy was about to become a man :-( So the lady comes back in with all the "things" that are going to be used. One of them is a plastic mold that the baby gets laid on and his legs strapped. Sounds horrible but it makes sense since they kick so damn much. The doctor comes in, introduces himself and explains what he will do and how long it normally takes. He then asks if we want to stay in the room, outside of the room, or go to the waiting room far far away. No hesitation, we are going to the waiting room. I don't want to hear it. Before we left, he ask if I had a pacifier to keep him calm and he just told me to dip it in the sugar water, and try to give it to him. He normally doesn't take it but I tried. He said not to worry and that he will do it if he needed to calm him down. We left. We waited. It was excruciating for me to have to go through this. I can't imagine what my angel was going through! I know that with S we got her ears pierced at 2 months and we were in the room but cartilage and skin removal are two different things! We wait some more. We see people walking down the hall towards the door and think that its the doctor with our child. NOPE. I see him through a small window and he waves us to come in. M is calm, wrapped up in a blanket, with the pacifier in his mouth. He hands him over to us in the room, I take him. I look down and his eyes connect with mine. He looked at me as if to say "WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN! Why did you let him do this to me?" I felt so bad, C felt bad too, we both agreed that he looked traumatized or something similar to it. His eyes looked dark like a shark. I've never spoken to anyone that has had their boy circumcised so no one tells you what to expect I guess. He said, go ahead and nurse him if he needs comfort so I did. I don't know if it was obvious that I was breastfeeding and not formula feeding him, or if he assumed that it was what I should be doing. Either way he was right. That was my job, to comfort him. He nursed fine and then the lady came in with the post-procedure instructions and to check him after 10 mins had passed to make sure there was no hemorrhaging. She said it looked great and that if we had any questions at all that we could call her cell phone any time. That made me feel better. We left, and as we were walking out I felt this weird rush down in my lady parts. I knew I was bleeding. A LOT. For some reason I assumed that I did not need to be wearing pads because my bleeding had stopped. Bad idea. It came back that day with a vengeance, and it was a combination of picking up and putting him down and all the rushing around with taking S to school and what not. And maybe the craziness from that day. C put him in the car and I went to the bathroom. I told him I was bleeding a lot and he worried. I told him its fairly normal but I need to slow down if I wanted to heal. He then started making her breakfast in the morning from that day on lol. To sum it up the next few days after this I felt like I was walking on egg shells. They say that it should take a week for it to heal and that was the longest week ever. I could not wait for me to be able to change his diaper without worrying about it falling off lol. I know I made it sound like a horrible experience and I probably sound like those anti-circumcision people, but at the time it was not a fun experience. Because it was not done at a hospital at the time of his birth, like 90% of the population does it, it was a more involved experience for me and that's why it sounded it so bad. I don't know. I'm pretty sure I would've thought about it a million times before considering it if I was single and no man was involved in my life. But its done, his wiener looks completely different. It looked a lot thinner and longer and now its thicker and short. whatever, maybe when he's older he can tell me if I made the right decision.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My baby boy

So far this boy is doing so great! Maybe it was the natural birth coupled with the fact that Over the rainbow was playing while he was born or that he just happens to be one of those babies. Nevertheless he's doing very well nursing, and just being cute overall. His umbilical cord fell out Sunday night which would put him at 6 days. That seemed really fast for me but I also felt that it was more like it was yanked out by his diapers and clothes. Tonight he got his first real bath, no pics though since he would've fallen over and drowned if one of us wasn't holding him. He hated it, cried the whole time and it was only about a 2 mins bath, which means it would've taken longer to get the camera than to just finish it!

On to other, quite sadder news, tomorrow we go and get his weiner snipped! I am NOT looking forward to this at all. As the mom I'm thinking how he's perfect and no need for anything to be changed. Of course husband wants to make sure they "look alike" as he gets older. What is it with men and their dicks?!?! I haven't had a problem with S comparing herself to me, she could care less. Which I'm sure it would be the case with a boy but I guess we'll never know. Honestly, I'm scared shitless. I dont want my little love to suffer! Yes, I know he wont remember but I will and I have to deal with him being in pain and not being able to do anything about it. What if something goes wrong, what if they cut too much or he bleeds too much!!?!? These are all things that I have to worry about! But I leave it all in God's hands, its just a circumcision right? I wonder if Jesus was snipped, he was Jewish after all!

Moving on from that topic. I have yet to find a new car! I need to have a day where I sit and research but all I'm finding are the same cars listed for sale. Nothing really new. I'm hoping to use this weekend as a car shopping few days...maybe I can find some good colombus day deals...

More on weiner snipping tomorrow I guess.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mason's Birth Story

Well here it is! Im finally getting a minute to sit down normally and not have anything other than a boppy with a baby in front of me.

Warning: this is probably going to be quite funny and maybe a little gross.

It all started around 4:30am Sept 26th. Just lying in bed i start getting cramps...ok no big deal, until I realize I can sleep between them but not during them. Ugh! "I had so much to do today" I thought, plus technically I still had about two weeks to go. By now Im hoping to get the ultimate sign that Im in labor...then it happens, I had to poo. It happened with S and I figured that it was time to start laboring. So I took a warm shower, did my hair, gave myself a quick pedi all while having contractions 3-6 mins apart. By now it was probably 6am and I was getting bored. Took the doggies for a walk to get labor going faster and let the husband sleep until he was ready to wake up for work. He woke up, we took S to school and he stayed home from work. All those kids running around school was the last thing I wanter to deal with, but I had to show him where her class was. At some point I took a nap which somewhow caused my contractions to be 20 mins, good for napping but not so much for progressing lol. At some point I was getting hungry then realized we needed groceries, so we went to publix to walk around and get some last minute things for the house and snacks for the birth center. It was quite interesting getting contractions in the middle of the store and people probably thought I was crazy. We then walked over to subway and went home. Ate lunch and just went about the business of cleaning up some of what was left to clean in the house. By now contractions are still 3-5 mins apart and the midwife calls me to tell me to just come in and get checked just in case. At that point I had just passed the mucus plug and was about to call her anyways. Yes lovely information! So we got the suitcase finished up, got the camera and the snacks ready and headed out. Called my mom who had picked up S from school and told her we were on our way to the birth center and that I would call her back if I was told to stay. The entire car ride I was praying I didnt get any contractions b/c being in the car and having one is like having a stick up your ass...basically not fun at all. On that note I had 3 on the way there...judging that it was a 25-30 mins drive, then it could've been worse.

Now on to the birth center.
We get there and Jessica who is the sweetest girl ever and she's the receptionist was kinda excited to see me. Waited a few mins and then got checked, it was around 3ish when we got there and I was 6cm which was pretty good progress I think. Apparently my body can dilate very quickly. So I walked and watched some TV, talked to the girls there and started feeling them coming more and more quickly and more intense. Around 530pm I was checked again and was 8cm! This was good and bad news since I've heard that from 8-10cms is the worse possible thing ever! I was a little scared but I didn't feel so bad for most of it. I was trying to just get the baby to move down and trying lots of things. I spent most of the time in the tub and at some point I was in a lot of pain, I mean A LOT. I could barely talk! But it still didn't seem like it was the worse of it so I was dealing with it the best I could. At some point I got on this birthing seat thing that resembles a toilet and then I started to experience some evil contractions, I mean these made me want to punch puppies in the face they were so strong! But it helped move baby down just enough I got checked and was ready to push, on my back! Finally at around 11pm it got to be the worse pain and yes I know, a looong time went by before there was any news and I just realized that now since time at that moment had no meaning to me. I had no idea what period of the day I was in. That was suprising to me since that's the worse way to push out a baby, should've gravity be used to help? Anyways I just kept thinking that they had their reasons.

Now being that this was a natural, med-free birth, I didn't know what to expect during pushing. I mean, I know what contractions felt like from before so that wasn't an issue but pushing I'm sure was going to suck. I laid down and had the midwife and nurse and husband there. S and my parents were out in the living room area waiting, S kept asking the midwife if she could come and see me and she told her not right now. That was sad for her I'm sure. So I pushed. God only knows for how long but that shit hurt. this little creature did not want to come out and kept popping its head back in after all the hard work of me pushing. I'm pretty sure I pooped myself several times too. So I kept pushing and them it happened, LEG CRAMPS! OMG these cramps where like charlie horses on steroids. I wanted to die! Both legs were doing it at the same time...lots of crying and whinning from my part. Somehow at around 1147pm I gave birth FINALLY! This baby was sooo small and skinny compared to fat little S when she was born. I kept wondering why it was so hard for me to push him out. The nurse was getting ready to take out the little hat in the gender specific color and then remembered that we didn't know what it was. She opened his legs and it was a BOY! I was freaking exhausted! But it was more contractions. After a while chris was told that the baby was face up, not the best ways for the baby to be positioned but all and all he did come out so I guess that was good. I didn't tear like last time, thanks to my awesome midwife and their home remedies. We stayed there for about 5 hours and then went home at around 6am. It was odd to come home without S and with a new baby but that night/day combination(since we got home around 6am) was kinda crazy. We didn't sleep I'm sure, but then again I can't seem to remember. To summarize why it took so long for Thing 2 to come out, basically he was face up or sunny side up. Apparently one of the most painful ways for a child to come out. Maybe that due to how much longer and harder you have to push but it was not fun. Once he was out they removed the cord which was wrapped around his neck and handed him to me. Husband said there was a lot of blood, good he told me about a couple of days after, b/c I would've freaked. I did get a shot of something to stop the bleeding though. Seems like a lot of crazy things happened. I'm glad I went through with the natural non-hospital birth. I feel as if this was at a hospital then I would've ended up with an unnecessary c section and it would've been blamed on those two things, the cord and his position. Thanks to my midwife Michelle and our awesome nurse who I didn't even get her name and most of all to my husband for helping me stay calm and focused and being a good hypnobirth partner.

Welcome to the world baby Mason!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

baby #2 is here!

And its a boy! More details on the birth to come

Monday, September 26, 2011

So....guess I'm in labor

Yep! Contractions are btwn 3 to 5 mins apart and they hurt like a bitch! Just walking around right now which is awesome. I have to do my hair and shave my lady bits. Maybe I should not blog and get right on that!

Friday, September 23, 2011

38 weeks or 39 weeks?

Who knows, but my contractions are still I'm also having Sharp pains down there like its trying to rip its way out. None of this I experienced with S!

So more bad news after the last post, I got into a car accident which totalled the car that I so loved! Almost broke my hand...still hurts and is swollen and all this happened on husband's birthday. Basicaly some asshole ran the red light and I hit him! Thank God b/c otherwise he would've hit S' side. airbag went off and everything so now off to look for another car. This is definitely not the way things should go but I will stay positive b/c it will be ok! But as positive as I may be, things will always go wrong! S got the croup not long after the accident...we took her to the emergency pediatrics place and were told her fever was 103! Never before has she been that high and when we heard that, we were scared(in reality it was 103.9 which her doctor told me days later). She got a steroid shot for the inflammation and motrin for the fever which was a godsend. She slept a little bit better that night but not me! She's been on steroids and antibiotics for a possible ear infection. I must say today she is much better. Thank God.

Right now we are patiently waiting for thing 2 to arrive. I'm guessing I still have a couple more weeks so just gonna spend my day majorly cleaning the house for its arrival. S cannot contain her excitement! She is going to be the best big sister. Not much else to report so now its time for bed!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The last leg (I guess)

I have all my appts scheduled out for the next 4 weeks. Its nice that I get to go every week now... means that time is getting near! I have sort of packed my bag, which I really should finish since it feels like this baby wants to fly out of me. Lots of contractions still, which are not painful at all but they do stop me on my tracks b/c of the pressure. S is getting more and more excited! She greets the baby every morning and she's just so in love without even knowing this little person yet...I wonder how long that will last. lol

Speaking of S, she has been extremely good about sleeping in her own on the other hand, I can't handle it. Every noise I hear in the monitor keeps me awake and I just can't get a good night's sleep! On the weekends she sleeps with me b/c it just helps me get a little more rest. She talks, smacks her lips, wrestles herself and all kinds of other things in her sleep so all that I HEAR CLEARLY! And I also hear everything the dogs do, so double the pleasure I guess. There is really no way for me to get good sleep as it is since I usually stay up until around midnight or later just to make sure that Lucy has gone out enough times to pee and handle her potty business. I dont know if she's getting worse or better but she is again on her prescription food for bladder stones but refuses to eat it. I tried everything to get her to eat it, and nothing works! She loved it for two or three meals but after that lost interest. I finally read that most dogs hate the food and wont follow the plan, SOOO not what I wanted to hear. She needs it to get better and without the food then it would be surgery! Hell to the no! Today I went to the grocery store and bought some alpo or pedigree canned food just to mix it with it and see if it works. She ate it, hopefully she will eat it again for the next two weeks. HOPEFULLY. I need her to get better. I feel so bad. Well its getting to that time, maybe I will sleep quickly!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Almost there!

Well not really...I had my 36 week appt today and it was nice and fast! I LIKE that. Did the group b strep test (on myself since they like to keep intervention to a minimum) then had blood drawn. Baby measured good which probably means at 36 weeks and heartbeat was pretty awesome! My weight today was 146 which honestly seems a little low to me considering I was hitting the 160lbs mark with S by now. It's crazy to think that in a few weeks we all get to meet the new little one.

Aside from that...we had our baby shower on Sunday and it was perfect! At least the moments when the husband wasn't pissing me off! We felt very loved and S probably got just as much as the baby lol. I've also been having contractions for about 5.days...nothing painful, just a little annoying. This pregnancy is definitely not like the first. The only thing that is the same is that a baby will come out of me at some point!
On another note S has been sleeping in her room by request a little after school started. She loves it! I don't since I feel the need to go and check on her with every noise she makes! So basically I haven't slept in about a week....oh well. Well speaking of which, its time for me to go to sleep. Good night.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sneak peek from our maternity photo shoot....My husband took these on his phone

This farm was amazing and beautiful but we hated all the damn bugs and mosquitos. My poor S had so many bites but she did not complain once! She did such a good job!
About baby:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers – which she'll need to regulate her body temperature once she's born – are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

About momma:
How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: right now I'm at 142ish. I did lose some weight due to a week long stomach bug and I think that just made me stop gaining.

Maternity clothes? I'm refusing to wear them, other than shirts. Maternity shirts are great. Still wearing my size 7 jeans which are extremely comfortable and sweatpants are awesome too!

Stretch marks? NO Thank GOD and I hope this time around I dont get them

Sleep: Several reasons why I dont are the little tiny noises I hear constantly that wake me up and also S started sleeping in her own room and I just can't handle her being so far away!

Best moment this week: Same as always...S loving and kissing on the baby. She can't wait!

Movement: Constant which is great...sometimes it gets painful but its nice

Food cravings: Still Chocolate chocolate and more chocolate. Which is why I need to add some saltyness in there once in a while


Labor Signs: After having sex last night I had some pretty annoying contractions. Very very little pain which I hope that's how labor will be :-)

Belly Button in or out? kinda hanging out flat

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, running long distances, chasing after S, drinking!

What I am looking forward to: Labor! I can't wait to know what its going to feel like, how painful it will be or how long it will last. I'm very excited about it.

Weekly Wisdom: Stretch stretch! its good for your muscles and joints.

Milestones: none...i still hate everything

34 weeks!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

33 Weeks!

or 34 weeks from what they are calculating. I had my appt today and it went well. S went with me and she has become such a little woman lately. She has started to be a lot less shy with EVERYONE. Second day of school went fantastic and her teachers love her! hey say how lovely and sweet she is. At the midwife appt she talked to the nurse and even got so close as they were checking the baby's heartbeat. She even went behind the desk to the receptionists/nurse and went through her drawers to get a sticker. She would've NEVER done that a few months ago. I gotta love watching my little girl become such a young lady.

I have been feeling really run down lately and it seems like I can't get as much done as I thought I would while I'm not working. Its amazing that I can't find enough time to do everything I want to do. I wanted to fix the house up, like the dry wall, fixing S' room, cleaning the fans which would take a while I think, paint the house trim and the front door, power wash the driveway. So much to do and I just dont seem to have time but also I dont do a lot as it is which makes no sense! I'm sure I will figure this out sooner or later; hopefully before I go crazy and need to find a job!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The issues

I guess I should make a list of all the things that actually went wrong a couple of weeks ago before I got fired. It wasnt just one bad was a whole lotta shit that came at once. I'm a pretty positive person when it comes to how my life goes but this almost made me want to give up. Here goes:
1. Got fired
2. Microwave broke(which meant I had to possibly spend $200 on a new one)
3. S almost broke her neck on the swing
4. I got that really nasty week long virus
5. Husband's car a/c went out.
6. Car battery died also
7. Lots and lots of things need to get paid at the same time!
8. Lost a $10 bill I had in my pants pocket
and I'm sure I will continue to add to the list as I remember things.

9. the a/c in the husbands car...not covered by insurance b/c of a previous undisclosed accident or so they say!
10. Lucy has a bladder infection or kidney stones or something which requires the very expensive vet.
11. I need a new tire, NOW it has no tread what so ever!

But for some reason I dont get discouraged, maybe b/c I dont care or b/c I'm just soooo mellow that I rather not stress and look at the positive things that may be happening. I have S, she's fun and funny...I'm spending so much time with her and I get to not only take her to school but pick her up which I always wanted to do.


Ok so that last blog was so premature! Right after I typed that I was feeling better, I was starting to feel even worse...and I finally went to the midwife on monday and let them know what was going on and how I was feeling with my whole stomach bug sickness whatever. Met a new midwife or nurse and she was super nice and knowledgable, she seems more of the medical type than the hippie whatever type. Dont get me wrong, I like both approches, but she kinda caught me off guard. Basically said that the further I am along the worse any little issue is going to be, thus explaining the violence of my projectile vomiting and why I couldn't feel better for so long. I still seem to be having some issues here and there but I guess its just my whole intestinal/reproductive system acting up and getting ready for the end. Speaking of which, I am now 33 weeks and I still have to go back to look at a calendar and count the weeks. Which is def not what you do with your first child when you have the time of conception down to the seconds. Other than the stomach issues, lack of sleep, occasional heartburn, extreme exhaustion from trying to keep up with S and basically all the other crap that happens; I'm fairly OK. Baby thinks there is a party all day long but seems to be actually sleeping at night which is weird. Im still waking up btwn 3 and 4 am and not being able to go back to sleep...hence the reason why I'm typing this now.

On to the business of the baby shower. My mother "planned" my baby shower which basically means she will cook the food and have it at her house but I had to made and send out the invites and get the list ready and make the favors. So I'm doing my own baby shower I guess. The theme is OWLS!!! I love owls, and S does too. Her room is owl themed and she has been a big help looking for things owl related that we can use to decorate. That has been hard since apparently there is nothing ANYWHERE in any craft store related to owls. I had to make my own invitations using owl stickers, which came out pretty adorable I think; I'll be printing out the thank you tags for the favors which I made myself since I couldn't find anything that looked like it. My mom had a good idea when we went to Ross and she saw these cute expresso cups to have those filled with candy and have them be the favors...that basically saved us a lot of trips to try to find anything else. Oh and apparently sorting out M&Ms by colors is priceless b/c the ones that come in one color cost about 10/lb?!!?! craziness I say. So we bought a bag and sorted them out ourselves. I also had the brilliant idea to have owl cake pops...saw a couple of blogs that showed how to make them and being that I am not crafty at all decided to ask someone else to do it for me. Hopefully they will not hate me afterwards.

Second order of business is S! She starts school on monday the 22nd and we went to the teacher meet and greet wed. I made sure I got there before it started that way 1) I could get out earlier, 2) I would avoid all the parents getting there later b/c of work and 3) so she was guaranteed a pillow pet which was the main reason for me to go early lol. When we got there, she was so excited to see her school again, she saw her old teachers and gave Mrs Becky a hug! That was surprising! We finally found her classroom and met her new teacher Mrs Kerri, who seems pretty awesome and I'm guessing she's younger than me lol. She had the classroom all set up with her chair and her cubbie with her name. It was SO SO CUTE! This classroom seems more educational than the last one which was geared towards toddlers. I met a new parent which I guess had not been in the class before and her little girl Lola. Her mom told me that she was shy to which I responded "So is this one, maybe they'll get along" S then screams out "I'm not shy!" This again surpised me...I dont know if this is a one time thing but I'll have to see what develops from her sudden "unshyness". After all that was done we picked up our pillow pet, pink unicorn, and headed home. She hasn't let go of it since. She has another pillow pet, one she picked out and my mom bought for her and never once did she love it that much! I on the other hand find it the perfect shape to fit btwn my legs while I sleep so my hips wont collapse under the baby pressure. Alas its 630 am, I'm still awake and I have no signs of going to sleep any time soon.

Tomorrow is kinda a big day, we get to take some maternity/family pics with Erika, who also did S' swim lessons...she's basically awesome and I can't wait too see the pictures.

Good day! will try to get some sleep now

Sunday, August 7, 2011


What a week! I'm finally feeling much better after being sick with a stomach "bug" since Thursday. Last night I finally got to hug my child because I wanted to keep as much distance as possible to keep her from getting sick. I'm hoping and praying that it worked! It was hard not being able to play with her or have her see me. But, it is a new week and that means a new beginning. Starting from scratch I guess. This week we get to meet her teachers, I get to start being a stay at home mom and I will also start to budget our money better. Going go cut back on a lot, although the fact that I no longer have to spend $60/week on gas should definitely help, as well as toll money! I think its $55 every two weeks for both of us; that should get cut down dramatically since he car pools and I took the most of those tolls. I'll be making lunch and dinner so that he wont need to buy lunch, so those little things will help a lot! We can do this and after baby is born I can do conventions (hopefully) which should bring in some good money here and there. This is a good thing, IT WILL BE A GOOD THING! Until I get bored at home! UGH lol

On a baby note, this child thinks that every day is a party. S would take a lot of kicking breaks, but no breaks this time around. Its lovely, but not when you are nauseous or throwing up for a few days and the stomach is the kick bag. S has been wanting to use the fetal doppler almost every night so I'm glad I bought it for her(and maybe a little for me after that scare). This Sunday will be good...and so will be the rest of our lives. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Week from hell Part Deux

So last post was on tuesday. Its now friday and nothing has improved! On wednesday, S fell off her swing set on her face and rolled over her heart almost stopped! I basically spent the rest of the day cuddling with her and just making sure she was not jacked up in some way. She was ok, just a busted lip and scraped forehead. On thursday we both had a better day, went to my moms house and hung out, let the kids play then I realized it was time for my hypnobirthing class. Went to that and was super later of course and when I got home that night I started feeling nauseous which is not unusual for me but this felt like a stomach flu type of nausea. At 1am I violently threw up everything I had eaten that day! I didn't have dinner b/c of how sick I was so that was probably a plus. I felt pretty great after so I tried going to sleep on the couch, making sure not to wake up S or the husband. S starts to call me! OH NO IS SHE SICK TOO!?!? I prayed so much that she wasn't. I asked her what was wrong and she had no answer, asked her if her tummy hurt and she said yes! NOOOOO! I cant handle this now. Thank God she was just answering yes for whatever reason. I got her to sleep again and was basically up all night on and off b/c of the nausea that came I went to the guest bedroom and fell asleep for about an hour. Then woke up and threw up again! I have learned my lesson, the tub is my friend, but the toilet cannot handle anything lol. So now I'm still sick. Went to my moms house so she could watch her and make sure she does not get near me and get this virus or whatever it is. Water and soda crackers all day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Week from hell....

and its only Tuesday! Yesterday I had a horrible day topped off by today's shiteous presence. I got into an argument with a coworker about rules that get set without telling anyone else in the company, which is basically how this company operates. I loved working there due to the flexibility that I was told was ok to have, working 8 hours with no lunch since I dont take lunches. I worked from 930ish-before 10 to 6 sometimes 630. I must admit that with this pregnancy coming to an end soon, I did slack this last week and came in after 10. Whatever! Yesterday after that argument with the coworker, I felt like I should just walk out! I didn't want to work anymore, I wanted to be home spending time with my child and loving her; not working. Almost walked out but decided to stay and heard the wonderful news about how badly I'm doing from someone who used to be be my boss. My "boss" or anyone above him care to give me input into my performance or lack there of, or even if my times should be different. Again this company is horrible when it comes to communication!

That said today I got FIRED!!! WTF!? After being told by again my old boss and not someone who should be my current boss, I was not mad or dissapointed or sad. In a way I was glad; I spent most of the time cleaning my desk thinking about how nice it would be to stay home and spend time with my child. I decided to call the decision maker and ask the details of my termination. I was just on the phone with this person for about an hour and came to the conclusion that she would talk to the VP and tell him that if placed on probation I would have to come in at 9 and leave at 6 and do about 10 tasks a day. That seems crazy to me but if it helps me keep my job then I will be willing to do an extent, I would rather be home with my child...take her to school, pick her up, make her lunch, spend time with the new baby and actually have time for my husband. All those things went through my head after she agreed to talk to him under those conditions and honestly, I hope he says no! I dont want to drive the distance, I dont want to spend the gas money or the toll money, the hour there and hour back away from my child. Its not looking like the best option to stay working there or anywhere that far away.
Pros- I can go back to school, spend time with my love, be a housewife, save money on a lot of things
Cons-one less income coming in and no insurance for me and her.

This is a decision that I really need to think about.

Maybe I can go on probation and quit! LOL

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

29 Weeks...

30 Weeks according to my midwife. Went for my appt today, I was told I was low for my hemocrit and she said it was normal for this time of the pregnancy and after baby it will go back to normal. That's good to hear since I was always told I was anemic as a little kid, which didn't really make sense to me. I think it was just the doctor trying to sell my mom prescription drugs for me lol. Heartbeat was an awesome 144bpm and head is still down and really really low. I measured at 30 or 31 I didn't see which one. My weight is getting up there but I still feel like I'm not as heavy as I was with S. I wish I had written the weight down. All I remember is my end weight of 165 b/c the doctor said "I bet you've never been that big before in your life" I dont know if that was an insult or what? I guess for my purpose I will write down I was 143lbs today. I've been getting headaches again and as much as I'm hydrating it doesn't seem to work. We are starting hypnobirthing classes on thursday. That should be exciting, since we never did a birthing class with S. This time around is much more different, and I want to be prepared for a long painful labor or a really fast and crazy one.

On to the business of my wonderful child...she had swim class yesterday and has had them for the past month but what is different about this time is that she swam the shorter length of the pool!! And she learn to float on her back and kick. She still looks like a octopus having seizures 90% of the time but if she really tries she can be good at swimming or at least trying to survive if she's ever left unattended in a pool by someone other than husband or myself. She's my sunshine and I love her and every stupid thing she does makes me proud. Last night we read some books. She's getting better at recognizing the words and reading them to me which is AWESOME! She's so ahead of what they would teach her at school which is good and bad I guess. That's all for now, my head is pounding!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So the baby's name will be....

Tiana, According to S. She keeps going through all the fun things she's going to teach the baby like swimming, riding a bike, reading a book, coloring, you know fun things that adults dont get to do anymore. :-( SO I did ask her early on what she wanted to name the baby, in my mind I'm thinking she will come up with a good name that I dont hate and I dont have to think about it. She did have all her joke names like butter, tree, house, branch, caca face and she laughs everytime she tells me these. This morning I decided to ask her for a real name; I told her I needed a real name for the baby and not a silly joke name just to see what she thought. Her answer was Tiana, ok cute I dont hate it; I then moved on to say "what if its a boy? I need a boy name too" And SHE. WENT. NUTS! "ITS NOT A BOY! I dont want a boy! Its a girl and its going to be Tiana, Princess Tiana" WHOA there settle down........

Couple of minutes later I asked again, "So you like Tiana for the baby? What if it happens to be a boy? What name do you like" "Its a GIRL!"

I really shouldnt argue with her, she was right about the Magic losing the playoffs!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

28 weeks!!

I am 7 months pregnant! I would like to say that this is very exciting and just like anyone else that does not like being pregnant, its a moment I never thought I would reach. I've decided to get a fetal doppler, mainly for my piece of mind but also for S to be able to listen to the heartbeat since she's always asking about it. I'm checking ebay, craigslist, amazon, anywhere for a cheap one since I only have a couple of months left. Good luck to me

Monday, July 18, 2011

My child....

My child seems to be some sort of oddity when it comes to being sick. She will have a fever for a few hours and have it be gone without anything else really happening to her. This happened sunday afternoon, I was home with her most of the morning and she was basically her crazy self. Then I had to go and do some quick toiletry shopping at Target and when we got there she had a FIT! She wanted an orange cart(target always has those older sun-baked carts that have faded) she loves them, I dont know why! But she wanted to get one from outside which was too far of a walk for me waddling ass to go get with her wanting me to pick her up so I told her we needed to get one from inside b/c those were too hot(whatever so I lied). Anyways we get inside and of course there are only two orange ones, both absolutely stuck. No way for me to get them out without going into labor right there. So she threw another fit, crying going crazy and she's NEVER like this so I know something is wrong. I talked her down from the ledge by telling her to get some cart wipes which she loves too, but she wanted them for her face...another fit! I comforted her b/c I apparently the most patient woman in the world and I hate stressing over her acting like a total a-hole and she sat in the cart with no problem. I got my shopping done encountering a high amount of stupid people, specifically the asshole couple that say me pick up a giant bag of dog food 7 months pregnant and decided they would just block my cart so I couldnt get to it. I hope they eat shit and die!

I digress, So she saw goldfish crackers and wanted them and I realized now the reason I got them for her was b/c she did keep crying the whole time while in the cart so I told her if she stopped she would get them. I'm guessing at some point she did. We left and met up with my parents for lunch and she was feeling a little warm, she ate some apples and mac and cheese and fell asleep on my lap at the restaurant! THAT NEVER HAPPENS! She is not one to nap anymore and at a restaurant...she must be feeling bad! So I ate in piece and we left, she was half awake on the way to my parents and she fell asleep again and woke up at 9ish. She basically slept about 4 hours. She had a low grade fever(101) so I did not feel the need for ibuprophen. Just let her sleep, gave her a cool bath, some dinner and cuddling. That always seems to be the trick with her so I rarely resort to any medicine since its the body's natural way of taking care of business, I def dont want to hinder that. So fever was gone a few hours later and she was back to normal the next day. That said, she's my oddity. She's had maybe 4 fevers and none have lasted more than 8 hours...that makes me thankful.

Today she went to her swim class, then when we got home we tried rescuing an injured bird who did not want to be rescued. She's sweet to all animals. I also learned how she wants to be a dolphin when she grows up so she can show Ms. Erika(swim teacher) how good she can swim. I also learned that Pete from the mickey mouse gang is a cat and not a dog...always thought it was a dog, but now that she mentioned it, he does look like a cat.

I think that sums up my day so far

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Well I did my appt yesterday. The day started pretty crappy, I wanted to wake up early enough to be at my mom's house by 8 so I could eat by 810 and leave to get to the appt at 9am. That did not happen. I got to my moms house at 830! Made my breakfast for the glucose test(2 eggs, 2 whole wheat toasts, 4 ounces of juice, 8 ounces of milk) I know it was a lot, and I did not think I was going to be able to finish...needless to say, I finished around 840ish which was sooo not part of the schedule they gave me! I get to the office on time since it only takes about 20 mins or so and I did my appt. Lynn, the super awesome one, said I needed to go to the lab to get it done(guessing there was no girl to draw my blood there yet). So she measured the baby which was at 27weeks and perfect. Spine is along my left side and legs are to the right, which explained the kicking on my right side. Head is down and would prefer for it to stay down. Baby's heartbeat was 148bpm. Went over the kick counts and all that fun stuff. Went to get my blood drawn and I'm just so fascinated by the process, ever since I was little I would always stare at the needle, which nurses found weird that I wasn't scared lol. Then I was done which was nice. Went to work and had a long day!

Last night I slept pretty great! Both S and I went to sleep without problems, her before me; she was so cute on the bed and cuddled. I told her to wait for me but she just fell asleep all by herself :-( I woke up around 630am which is normal these days but was able to fall asleep quickly and didn't wake up again until 830!!! I was running soooo late!

Work has proven to be unproductive, have been working on things that will actually take me a while. Went to the gym and did about a mile and a half and also some know that machine which is every man's fantasy where you close and open your legs wide. I dont look as sexy as I have in the past but the stretching is good for my legs and crotch area so I will be doing that as often as possible. Now I'm waiting on little one to wait up so I can do kick counts. Being pregnant is the most worrysome time since you are not able to see what is going on!

That's all for today I think

Monday, July 11, 2011

27 weeks

This week I'm 27 weeks according to my calculations. According to the midwife I am 28 weeks which makes it the week I get to do the glucose test. Now I'm sure I've talked about this before but I'll say it again, NO GLUCOLA! Just a nice healthy specific breakfast which I need to eat in 10 mins and then go to my appt an hour later.

On another note, I found this cute "journal" type thing on another blog and I thought I would do it here too. Here it goes:

About baby:
This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

About momma:
How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: so far I've gained 10 lbs after losing weight

Maternity clothes? hells yeah! actually I've just been buying size 7 stretchy jeans which fit so much better than maternity clothes. I only have one pair of maternity jeans and the rest of the time I just wear wonderful sweatpants to work!

Stretch marks? NO Thank GOD and I hope this time around I dont get them

Sleep: What's that! I wake up at 4am for a good reason or no good reason at all and cant go back to sleep. I HATE IT!

Best moment this week: Same as always...S loving and kissing on the baby. She can't wait!

Movement: This little spawn gets way too excited when I am getting ready to eat...and basically at all times of the day. There is a sleep pattern at night but during the day it seems to be ongoing.

Food cravings: Chocolate chocolate and more chocolate. Which is why I need to add some saltyness in there once in a while


Labor Signs: Did have braxton hicks about a week ago..nothing major

Belly Button in or out? kinda hanging out flat

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach, running long distances, chasing after S, drinking!

What I am looking forward to: My birth experience this time around.

Weekly Wisdom: Stretch stretch! its good for your muscles and joints.

Milestones: none...i still hate everything

27 weeks!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Still having to count...

I'm still having to count the weeks to find out how pregnant I am. Went to publix over the 4th of July weekend and got asked how far along I was. I said, "I have no idea!? 6 months?!?" The girl who was probably 12 by my calculations was confused then I explained, "when you have more than one, it doesn't matter anymore" LOL So now I just figured out I'm 26 weeks. This means 14 more loooooong weeks to go. I am getting very excited about the birth experience. I can't wait to know what it feels like to be in control of the situation rather than having a doctor or nurse tell me what to do and give me an IV "just because that's what they need to do." Now that natural med-free birth at a birth center is what I am going to be doing(no turning back now) I'm finding myself realizing how I wished things were different with S' birth. Not to say it wasn't wonderful! IT WAS! And from what the nurses said, my body did not react the way that most other women's bodies react to the epidural, sleepy, groggy or just basically not all there to give birth; In fact I was joking with the nurses and the midwife for most of the time and they were so surprised I wasn't knocked out or tired and how I was able to handle the baby after. I'm thankful for that. I've said it a million times, but I believe I got lucky, in that I did not have to have a c-section. Its kinda sad to say that I'm lucky I didn't have to have one. An unnecessary one that is. Nothing against the procedure, but when a doctor just doesn't want to allow birth to naturally happen, I find that to be a problem.

Now I will get off my soap box and continue to say how excited I am about this, I want to know how far I can take my body, how long its going to take, how much pain is involved and what amazing and colorful language will come out of my mouth as each contraction tried to rip me apart. I think this needs to be recorded for future reference!

In regards to a baby shower, my mother thinks I should be in charge of it! I told her you will be the worse person to use as a surprise party planner. I suppose it would be nice to have a baby shower soon, although I'm still debating whether to make it a before baby shower or an after "announce the sex" shower. I think one of the main reasons for not finding out the sex of the baby until the day is basically to keep people from buying crap I dont need like clothes and ugly gender specific toys. I'm so against pink carseats and blue swing sets. :-|

I don't think we will be setting up a nursery anytime soon. S says she wants the baby to sleep in the room with her but I'm sure once it cries she will have a fit. Although dogs bark and howl for a long time in the middle of the night and it does not phase her. I wish I could sleep like that, I barely get 4 hours a night since I keep waking up at 4am and I'm not able to go back to sleep! In other words, no nursery, maybe just a transfer of rooms and probably giving S the queen size bed and the baby the twin eventually. That's the lazy persons plan.

Alright back to work

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The joys of a 3 year old

S is a talker. She talks non stop. This is something that I figured would happen since she said her first words at 8 months and she used them correctly. She had a very good vocabulary by the time she was 12 months. That said, I never thought it would be as hilarious, adorable and annoying as it is now. The annoying part is the ALL DAY talking and asking WHY? WHY? WHY? But sometimes I amuse myself by answering every question just to see who gets tired first. I will always lose.

With the baby on the way she is always talking about the baby and asking baby questions. I showed her the anatomy of a pregnant woman so she could visually see whats going on inside and she understood. She knows the baby is "upside down" and thinks its hilarious. Last night after her bath, she was jumping on the bed as she always does and she made a comment how she wants the baby to come out already. I explained how with her it was a long time too and I had to wait for her to be fully done before coming out. And her response was "For me to come out of your VAGINA?" "Yes honey, you had to be fully done before coming out of my vagina" Now, this makes me laugh and I like that she uses that word b/c frankly its hilarious and correct. On the way home that night, which is what I call quite time, so she can wind down and go to sleep so I can get my things done for work the next day, she decided it was time to talk and talk and talk and talk. The conversation was about why this and why that same as always. I wish I could remember what she said b/c I thought to myself, I have to write this down!!! This morning though she went on to say that she wants to move my parents house closer to our house, mind you they live about 3 miles away but whatever. I said well we can't move a house, its just too heavy; she said "well lets make it small" and just can't argue with that. Then she said how she wants to be small like the baby so she can come out again, "I want to have little baby feet and be really little so I can be in your belly and kick like the baby and I want to come out again, I want to do that YESTERDAY" Ok now, dont get too loud with me lol. She wanted to float and be upside down like the baby is now and she wants to be little so she can drink mommy milk. I dont know where she learns all this but its pretty funny.

Aside from asking so much about the baby, cuddling with my belly and talking and kissing it constantly, she is being pretty good and patient about it. I have a feeling there will be no jealousy with them since she is so caring and loving. I love my crazy baby!

Monday, June 27, 2011

25 Weeks!

I'm 25 weeks today, and I only know that because people keep asking me how far along I am or when I'm due and I dont have a concrete answer for them. So I have now resorted to counting the weeks on monday so I know where I am. This means I have 15 weeks to go and I remember how horrible the first 15 weeks were but they are now gone which gives me a little hope this will go by fast. A lot has happened in the last 6 weeks since I've been on here...S started swimming classes last week and she loooooves it. Two classes down and she is mastering holding her breath like a champ and is extremely eager to get into the water. She got a bike from her grandparents and she's being a little weird about it since she believes the bike should do all the pedaling and not her. She also got a cool bedroom set from her grandparents and she loves that...especially her nightlight name "birdie bird" (by her).

As for Thing 2, everything is progressing well. Went to get an ultrasound done by a friend and S was there and loving watching the baby move. She re-enacted all the moves for Tio and Titi and again for me and daddy. She loves to hear the heartbeat and still asks to hear it once in a while. I should've recorded it, maybe during my next appt. Speaking of which, my next appt is going to be the glucose test. This is not going to be an ordinary test, but rather done with healthy foods and not that nasty orange glucola. As far as kicking is concerned, this child is insane. Always active which I'm thankful for and its nice to know that it already has a set schedule for its acrobatics. I'm much more calm now that I know this child is as healthy as it can possibly show on the ultrasound, no physical abnormalities to account for. Its much more important to know that than the sex of the baby. I'm noticing that a lot of friends that found out they were pregnant after me are choosing to have the sex be a surprise. I'm bringing them into the dark side!

Not much else is going on, other than still some nausea here and there. I have finally started to have some significant weight gain which is far, if the scale I'm using is right, I'm only 25lbs away from what I was when S was born. Maybe this time I can hit a really high weight hehe.

I believe that is all for right now!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

19 weeks!

Which means next week I'll be "halfway" there which means that's another 5 months to go UGH! I have been feeling much better lately. Still get nauseous at random times and I'm still constantly worried about surprise vomiting happening but at least I know I'm not gonna die if I vomit. Except for that one time that I literally choked and couldn't breathe lol. Oh the joys of pregnancy. S is being so sweet with the belly...she'll hug and kiss it and even named the baby Butter. She thinks its hilarious! She's usually write about a lot of things, the Magic winning of losing a game, or other such random things that I ask her about so I'm going with her gut on this one and saying this baby will probably be a girl. On the ultrasound picture we have up on the fridge, the giant head just makes it look like a boy and I have a feeling it might be a boy but who knows. Its exciting not to find out! I need to start thinking about birthing classes which I think are included with my care at the birthing center; I need to learn to make myself relaxed and to have a good, happy, funny and positive birth. I got the funny part down I think, it will be jokes galore! There is a lot more activity going down in my uterus which is kinda cute. Its not as crazy as S, who was going crazy at 4am which was not fun!

Finally got to go to the gym today and I felt good after. Did some cardio, abs and push ups which was at a very low impact level and baby did not mind. This has to be something I do all the time to make sure I keep my body ready for birth. Next update should be for my 20 week appt. GOOD DAY!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

18 Weeks and Ultrasound

Today I went for my ultrasound, something that I really wished someone other than the ultrasound tech was there with me for. I don't know if its reading too much into horrible things that can go wrong with the baby or the fact that I've been sick for almost 3 weeks or something else, but I'm scared that something could be wrong with this baby. I made it through ok not being able to look once in a while when she went down to the legs so that I didn't find out the sex. The heartbeat was 126 which is sooo low compared to S. Another reason why this might be a boy UGH! She did have a hard time trying to get good measurements of the baby's head b/c it was being stubborn. I think she finally got a good one that was at the right place for the right measurements. I dont know how I'm goign to make it this week without knowing if everything is ok or not but I pray and hope that everything is. I do need to call my midwife about this throat pain I've had b/c its just getting very uncomfortable.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My poor baby

So last night was one sleepless night with S! She woke up around 230am crying which basically meant, regardless of the reason, that I was going to be up from then on. She kept saying her tummy hurt and I figured she just had to poo, but when she kept complaining she wanted to go to the bathroom and so she threw up. Now I can deal with a lot of gross things, and I mean A LOT! But when it deals with saliva or anything coming out of the mouth I suck! I tried to be a sweet as possible to her without hurling myself and I did it! God gave me some sort of strength or whatever it was that I'm been ok with the whole throwing up thing, as long as I cover my ears and dont hear it happening LOL. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep so I couldn't go to work in the morning, she fell asleep around 530ish and woke up at 8 or 9. No longer sick, I ignored her and she fell asleep again until around 11am. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. I'm exhausted and I feel like I haven't slept in days, which is probably accurate. I have to keep watching her make sure she makes it to the designated puke points. I'm staying at my parents house tonight since I know that they will help me in the morning with her and maybe I can get much needed rest. She hasn't eaten much but has thrown up the little that she has. I hate this, I dont know how long its going to last and I can't do much of anything to make her feel better. Well time to try and sleep.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

17 Weeks!

Well I'm making it further and further still feeling sick everyday. That just seems like opposing statements lol. I have a hard time sleeping through the night and for some reason keep waking up at the same horrible times, either 630am which is ok or 430am which is horrible since most times I cannot go back to sleep until 730ish which means I would get barely any sleep. Thus making my headaches worse. The nausea is still there, not at a lesser level, but at a steady one which gets worse at certain unpredictable times. I think I'm up to 130lb now which is my pre-pregnancy weight so basically I haven't gained anything! This baby also has a kicking timer and 11pm is the time to go INSANE! I think S is still the only one that has felt the baby kick.

This week was teacher appreciation week and we got them all a cool basket and some school supplies. Also its mothers day buying frenzy week so I finally got that done today! Bought my mom a family tree frame and had it engraved with our family name. She'll love that! I think I want peace and quite for mothers day, something I surely wont get.

Tomorrow is Friday! Which makes me oh so happy, maybe we can hit the beach or something like that. Who knows!

I've been thinking a lot about this whole natural birth versus hospital birth and the more I learn the more I'm happy with my decision to do it at a birth center. I've watched so many documentaries about the "business" of birth and how its suck a marketed thing where it should actually be just a natural process that a woman goes through. How the ceserean rates are increasing and unless you put your foot down and arent easily persuaded in a vulnerable time then you will be induced, given an epidural and possible need to have a c-section. I feel lucky, I did not want to be induced or have an epidural, but I was induced thinking that was what needed to happen and was made to feel guilty or bad about the pain that "i didn't not have to go through" which is why I opted for the epidural. I'm not saying I probably wont ask for it if not beg for it this time around but I have to make myself know that I am strong enough to work through the pain and that in reality the pain I experienced was not that bad when I asked for the epidural with S. I know that I will have the midwives with me to support me and also my husband and mom. But alas I think my body is slowing down and ready to give up for tonight. No new updates on the baby, only that I have my ultrasound next wed. I have to make sure I remind the tech that we do not want to know the sex. Then once we have that done, then we wait a week to make sure everything is healthy. I hope and pray that it is!

Good night!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I think I'm almost at the tipping point...

Well this week has been sucktastic, Scarlett had her first ear infection, I've been throwing up like crazy and husband was and still is all kinds of sick. That said, I woke up this morning with eyes shut!! Gunk all over then, and at first I thought it was funny because that has happened before if I get a cold or whatever, NEVER pink eye. But since my hubs was told he had pink eye then I assumed the worst which was, I have pink eye and my eyes are going to fall out and the baby is going to have all kinds of defects from the infection. Alas, my day must go on because I have a child to feed and get ready for school then a job that I must do at some sort of acceptable level and then coming home to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of in the house. I believe that if I was able to take a break while being sick that things will get better, too much stress and no rest just feeds the crap in my body. Oh well, I'll rest when I die. Needless to say I used Scarlett's drops once and I thought they worked like a dream, then I decided to read the label and this is considered a class C for pregnant women which is basically a no no, here come the worries again of having a baby with 7 eyeballs!!! I didn't take it again of course but I haven't gotten worse. I rather wait to sleep and see how I wake up before I call the midwife. I guess moments like this is why my mother always tells me that I need a primary doctor, all my problems I take to my gyno lol its really the only doctor that I see on a regular basis! I am going to now try to get to bed, just going to wait for some pictures to upload to facebook. Good night world!

Monday, April 25, 2011

another horrible day!

I must say this has to be the worse pregnancy EVER! Someone needs to get snipped after this and it sure as hell better not be me! I threw up once again after spending all day feeling like a giant ball of shit. I basically gave up and busted out crying while my mother told me that's what we get for being women dammit! lol it made me laugh but I was still on the floor bawling then I ran out and Scarlett watched me barf everywhere like it was normal. Then she refused to go to sleep. She's got school tomorrow and she went to bed at 1030!! Maybe she will take a nap at school like the other kids. I dont know if the other kids dont sleep enough or if she's weird, but she gets a full 12+ hours of sleep a night and taking a nap around 1230 makes no logical sense to me or her. I hope to go to work tomorrow, although I will certainly not miss it if I can't go. I feel like this whole week has been rough. I need a break and since I can't get one my body is reacting in the worse way it can; By trying to kill me. The baby is kicking more and more. If I lay still enough I can see it. And being that's I'm still so damn tiny anyone else can feel the baby too. I think its def time for bed. I need rest!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well I was actually off by a week on my pregnancy! I was actually 15 weeks back then but I was thinking that the birth center calculations was right. I know when it happened so I'm going by that, not my So I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow. Its all good b/c I still haven't taken another belly pic, I know I suck!

On a horrible note, husband is sick. Apparently he has strepthroat, pink eye, double ear infection and I'm sure he probably has feline aids too. That man gets sick so much and if I got sick as much as he, then my child would not know who I am. I'm also sick, I've had this evil sore throat for the past couple of day and I've been more nauseous than before. I've thrown up more time than I would want and its not helping how much my throat hurts. Hopefully I dont have strepthroat. It is getting better though. Scarlett was the one that started all this. On tuesday she had stuff coming out of her eyes and I knew it wasn't pink eye since I know what that looks like. I figured she had a bad enough cold that it was just coming out of her eyes too. She got a little better tuesday night and wednesday but woke up with it still on thursday so I took her to the doctor and she has a stupid ear infection. The first time ever!!! This child has never been sick like this, I made sure of this by breastfeeding for as long as she wanted and she never got sick during that time. I guess the whole school and being around sick kids thing is not working out for us. I'm hoping she builds her immunity back up in a year before she start actual school.

Now on to a brighter, funner note. I have been feeling the baby kick for about a week and a half now. Blame it on the fact that I'm a tiny person and this baby is probably going to be the size of a t-rex but Its pretty consistant and its just adorable. I'm pretty sure I didn't feel Scarlett until 18 months or so but of course second baby you know what to expect. I'm not feeling too well now but its Easter and I have to make the best of it for Scarlett. Came to my mom's house for an easter hunt and they left to go to a friends how. I might just go to make it easier on my to have someone else watch her. Wish me luck

Monday, April 18, 2011

16 Weeks...

YAY 16 weeks! which means 16 less weeks of being pregnant! I must be honest I hate hate hate being pregnant. It is not something that I CAN enjoy, I'm not allowed to. Not sleeping, feeling sick beyond description, the migraines, the temper, and all the other crap that's coming after it. I always joke with people that I wish I was one of those "I didn't know I was pregnant" people. They are technically only pregnant in their eyes for what? 2-3 days tops! Overall it sucks! But the closer I get to it the happier I get. I remember with Scarlett not really wanting to rush for her to get here b/c everyone I knew that was getting fed up with being pregnant seemed to stress themselves at the end of the pregnancy only to end up having a c-section or a bad experience. I had no rush, I dont believe in a "due" date in which at that point the baby HAS to come out or we will induce you...I dont like that mindset. I believe that whenever he/she is ready then come out, just dont take 12 months...PLEASE!

I'll try to take another picture tomorrow, I didn't take one last week but I'll try to remember to do one at least for my appt post.

On a different note, I hope hope hope that Scarlett does not have pink eye...she woke up this morning having trouble opening her eye(s). I washed her face, took her to school and she seemed ok which I was there which was about 30 mins. Well my mother calls me to tell me the teacher mentioned that she had a lot of goo coming out and she was coughing a lot. I hope its just a cold or an eye cold and not pink eye. I dont want her rubbing all that poo in my pillow and me getting that too.

Let's hope for the best! Until next time. TATA

Saturday, April 16, 2011

An update...

Basically last time I posted I was hoping not to jinx myself but it is what it is and things aren't perfect. I had a really bad headache that started that same day and went on for two! I am now 14 weeks and 5 days (from my calculations of course). I can't wait for my appt next Wed! It feels like its been months but only has been a months since my last one. I've been reading a lot of articles and different blogs this time around, maybe because I seem to have more time in front of a computer this time than with Scarlett so I'm more worried about the pregnancy rather than the labor. I know being able to be in a comfortable environment and not at a bright hospital with 20 million people I've never met before coming in constatly. The one thing I found odd, but I completely understand, is that you are released in 4-6 hours(if everything goes well and no high blood pressure or fever is found in either of us). Like i said, its understandable b/c of how the birthing center setting is. I love how you walk in and you are given your medical chart and you can look at everything written by them and you can make copies of the chart, its all very much about you and not them. I like this!

I'm trying to find my old belly pics for Scarlett and I dont know which computer its one. Out of all the laptops we've had which I normally use to back up my pics, three of them have had "virus" issue that then need to be restored, essentially deleting every file there...thanks to my husband. I do make discs but they are at my parents house b/c I dont trust thing in this house b/c of the forementiond lol

Scarlett is currently driving me crazy as I write this, she will not STOP TALKING!!!!
so i took a few pics

I'm done now...husband is talking to me about his night at world of beer! glad someone is having fun during this pregnancy :-)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I feel like something is not normal...

This nausea is getting a lot stronger rather than better. I'm still technically in my first trimester, from my calculations I'm 13 weeks and about 5 days. Next week would be my second trimester and I would hope to feel better slowly...instead its been getting worse and worse. Not to jinx myself, but I haven't had my headaches get stronger which is good I guess but I dont like to get too hopeful. My next appt is in two weeks and I'll be 15 weeks then, they should give me the ok to have an ultrasound at that appt and I'll probably have it done then since we are not finding out the sex, just basically growth and health.

Scarlett is doing wonderfully at school, not learning wise which is not why I wanted to go to the preschool. She knows as much as most 4-5 year olds know, but we basically wanted interaction for her and she's doing great. Still not eating her lunch which is driving me crazy but she eats about 3 times after she gets home from school which is pretty good I suppose.

Today will hopefully be a good day out, typical lovely hot florida weather which means about 90. Either SeaWorld or Aquatica with Scarlett...I'll let her decide. GOOD DAY!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Its hard to see progress when you look at it everyday, but I did take two pictures of my belly so far. One at 7 weeks and another at 13 weeks. Here they are. I am getting big and must now compare them to Scarletts just so I can figure out how fat this baby might be!

7 weeks!

13 Weeks

Sunday, April 3, 2011


That horrible migraine I had yesterday, well it basically lasted half a day today. So much so that I could not take it anymore and finally laid down to try and nap around 430ish. I got up around 545pm and thought how late I was going to be to do some grocery shopping and get some dinner somewhere, give her a bath and have her eat dinner and go to bed...all before 830. Needless to say it didn't happen but she was asleep by 9 so that's more than what I could ask for. We bought her some kid shampoo and I must say I never thought I would be one to fall for the fad of kid shampoo with the smellies and the colors and what not, I will love using baby shampoo on her the rare times I wash her hair since I dont want it to dry. Well bought her some suave 2 in 1 shampoo which said it was detangling. She actually picked it out and to keep her happy we just let it happen. So used it tonight and after it was rinsed off I tried brushing her extremely tangled hair and it brushed like a dream. I like it! and so does she b/c it smells like strawberries.

For some reason tonight she was very difficult. Too much crying and complaining for me after the day I had. I took her aside after her meltdown, which compared to other kids I've heard people tell me it is NOTHING. But for me it is everything since that's all I know, she's a great child but lately her listening skills have become very bad and out of control. I had to be rough with her which I dont feel bad about since she must learn to listen.

Tomorrow is her first day back at school so I should get ready for bed. Lunch is packed and ready to go, I need to get her sheets and backpack together(thank you blog for reminding me) and we should be good. Hopefully she will be glad to be back at school. I know I'm not! getting up early in this condition is not my idea of fun.

TATA for now

Saturday, April 2, 2011

13 Weeks

I haven't been posting regularly but I'm so busy and tired all the time that I can't seem to keep up. So far I've only taken one belly pic and it was sort of a "before" my stomach blows up like a basketball photo. I must start taking them every week just to see the difference. Today was a fun day, we had a Scavenger hunt to win Magic playoff tickets. Needless to say we were not successful but we did get some goodies for Scarlett since she loves the Magic. But being out in the sun in 80 degree weather while pregnant and having a huuuuuge headache which was aggrevated from not sleeping well the night before, as usual, was not the best idea. I now have had what Im considering the strongest headache in my entire life. It got so bad at one point that I felt as if it COULD actually kill me, almost as if the pain was so great that it would cause me to go into shock. I didnt take anything for it but I tried staying hydrated while at my moms house as much as possible. The nausea is still around and I'm looking forward to this trimester being over so I can continue being sick through the second one. OH JOY!

Monday, Scarlett goes back to school after her week off for spring break. I need spring break more than she does that's for sure, and I thought how tomorrow will be sunday and it will start over again with the lunches and the wakeups and the nonsense. I'm not ready for that, Sunday will be my day for rest and grocery shopping.

TaTa for now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mr Migraine please go away

I must say today has sucked, I spend a pretty good friday night with Scarlett and saturday was fairly ok too but sunday came and a major migraine has plagued me all day non stop. I think this has been the worse one by far, even more so than with Scarlett. I cannot recall them being this bad with her, and maybe that's because at least I had days without any headaches at all which is not what I can said for this pregnancy. I need relief and I hoped for sleep but that is something that wont happen. I've been reading different things and seen how some doctors recommend tylenol PM for the lack of sleep and headaches, may have to check into that because its becoming unbearable. That is all for now, hoping for a good night sleep!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Baby

Well the past few weeks have been weird. I started feeling great for about two days in which then I thought to myself it was too good to be true. And I was right, I felt worse and there was nothing I could do about it. I still getting nauseous, but not as much as I was before. It actually seems more violent rather than frequent when I do get sick. The one thing that still hasn't gone away are the headaches. They are getting stronger and stronger. I did go to my appt on Monday and listed to the baby's heartbeat again. It sounded great! I also met the other two midwives and they spend a lot of time with me getting to know me. I feel I made the right decision with this place. I dont think I could deal with the revolving door that is the OB/GYN and the hospital for this baby. I want a nice calm birth, without rushing and without a million people I've never met before coming into my room. I told them about the headaches and they basically said it may be a "sitting in front of the computer" issue. I want to agree but why doesn't it go away when I'm at home, or asleep, or driving or on the weekends. It just seems like the hormones are out to kill me. Today I got so nauseous while driving I thought i had to pull over. I didn't sleep last night AGAIN! I was thinking how I can't wait to get this pregnancy over with but then again another adventure starts. I really want to be comfortable and not be in pain anymore. Next up is heartburn and no longer sleeping on my stomach. I dreaded sleeping propped up with Scarlett b/c I would always fall over. Lets hope this isn't another 8 pounder :-)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Baby things

So yesterday I went to my initial visit at the birth center. It is such a welcoming place. I am a bit scared about the no pain killers during birth but I figured if I can punch Chris several time during it that should make me feel better. The head midwife and owner talked to me for about 45 mins, she got to know me and my history and even though I've had two miscarriages, she still said I had a very "boring" history and that was a good thing. I got to hear the baby for the first time, sounded so cute and super fast. I think "she" is going to be once crazy one. I hope its a girl. My mom thinks its so weird that I'm doing this "cavewoman" birth experience. But I'm sure I'll win her over eventually. I'm excited this is going to be completely different than Scarlett. I like the surprise factor of it, plus it will also keep people from buying unnecessary things as gifts, I hope! I get to go back in two weeks to get my lab results. Other than that, everything seems as good as it can for an early appt.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Well friday I prayed I would feel fairly ok to enjoy a night at the Magic game with Scarlett, Chris and two friends. I went pretty good, probaby better than what I expected. Saturday was spend here at home for part of the morning basically doing nothing, I did try to take a nap since Scarlett woke up at 9 and that doesn't work when I went to bed at 1am the night before b/c of the game. We went to lunch at panera and spent the night at my parents house and had dinner. Which overall made saturday kind of ok. Today, sunday, is going to be a day of cleaning but I woke up with a sore throat and overall feeling like crap. I've been having cramps lately which I hope are normal cramp/growing uterus pains. Cramps always bring me back to the first two pregnancies which is not good for me. Lets hope today is a good day and I get lots done. My main goals are laundry, bathroom, master and shaving the dogs! they are shedding like animals.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another day....

Today was not really ok. I seem to wake up ok and as the day progresses I just feel worse and worse. Night time has beed really bad with the nausea and the headaches. On the brightside, Scarlett has been adjusting so well at school. She's amazing me more everyday with how well she's doing. Other than that, tonight I've actually have been feeling pretty bad. I'm still eating at 915pm which is so late for me but I have to eat slow :-( Yoki just farted and continued on as if nothing happened. joy! lol I think that is all for today, aside from the fact that yoki will choke on his rawhide soon UGH

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last night I must've eaten something bad but I was up all night sick. Which then made me not go into work b/c there was no way I could function on 3 hours of sleep! I took Scarlett to school and she did great. She walked away with no issues or crying, I hope this happens again at least once ;-). That was probably the only good thing that came from today, I have been feeling more and more nauseous as time goes by and the fact that I have a needy child does not help the cause. Hopefully tonight I will get everything done early enough which will not happen and I will again get no sleep. Oh the joys!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting back into this...AGAIN!

Well about 4 weeks ago one night I felt the worse random nausea ever! Which made me think OH CRAP I'm pregnant. I waited until the morning and used a pregnancy test that I had from a few months back. That morning I was the first one up and sure enough it was positive. Chris then woke up, I told him to go into the bathroom and he saw it and was soooo excited. I on the other hand knew what was waiting on hand for me the next several months....horrible nausea. So far I've had a headache for about 4 or 5 weeks, and to make matters worse that makes my nausea a little more horrible. Scarlett started school on Jan 3rd and that is getting to me. I'm so exhausted coming home after work and making her lunch for the next day, then waking up and making her and myself breakfast and hurrying off to school and then driving an hour to work and starting all over again. I must say weekends are my friends if not my lovers. I have used this time to sleep in short spurts until Scarlett wakes me up. So far I've realized that those two days of rest are neccessary. As for the birthing part of this journey, I have decided(and chris has agreed) that this will be a natural birth at a birthing center. Found the perfect place and went on a tour on the 10th of Feb. I loved it! No pain killers will be used and a midwife will be with me every step of the way. Hopefully labor will be a better experience than the pregnancy :-) that is all for now, until next time