Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I think I'm almost at the tipping point...

Well this week has been sucktastic, Scarlett had her first ear infection, I've been throwing up like crazy and husband was and still is all kinds of sick. That said, I woke up this morning with eyes shut!! Gunk all over then, and at first I thought it was funny because that has happened before if I get a cold or whatever, NEVER pink eye. But since my hubs was told he had pink eye then I assumed the worst which was, I have pink eye and my eyes are going to fall out and the baby is going to have all kinds of defects from the infection. Alas, my day must go on because I have a child to feed and get ready for school then a job that I must do at some sort of acceptable level and then coming home to take care of whatever needs to be taken care of in the house. I believe that if I was able to take a break while being sick that things will get better, too much stress and no rest just feeds the crap in my body. Oh well, I'll rest when I die. Needless to say I used Scarlett's drops once and I thought they worked like a dream, then I decided to read the label and this is considered a class C for pregnant women which is basically a no no, here come the worries again of having a baby with 7 eyeballs!!! I didn't take it again of course but I haven't gotten worse. I rather wait to sleep and see how I wake up before I call the midwife. I guess moments like this is why my mother always tells me that I need a primary doctor, all my problems I take to my gyno lol its really the only doctor that I see on a regular basis! I am going to now try to get to bed, just going to wait for some pictures to upload to facebook. Good night world!


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