Thursday, May 5, 2011

17 Weeks!

Well I'm making it further and further still feeling sick everyday. That just seems like opposing statements lol. I have a hard time sleeping through the night and for some reason keep waking up at the same horrible times, either 630am which is ok or 430am which is horrible since most times I cannot go back to sleep until 730ish which means I would get barely any sleep. Thus making my headaches worse. The nausea is still there, not at a lesser level, but at a steady one which gets worse at certain unpredictable times. I think I'm up to 130lb now which is my pre-pregnancy weight so basically I haven't gained anything! This baby also has a kicking timer and 11pm is the time to go INSANE! I think S is still the only one that has felt the baby kick.

This week was teacher appreciation week and we got them all a cool basket and some school supplies. Also its mothers day buying frenzy week so I finally got that done today! Bought my mom a family tree frame and had it engraved with our family name. She'll love that! I think I want peace and quite for mothers day, something I surely wont get.

Tomorrow is Friday! Which makes me oh so happy, maybe we can hit the beach or something like that. Who knows!

I've been thinking a lot about this whole natural birth versus hospital birth and the more I learn the more I'm happy with my decision to do it at a birth center. I've watched so many documentaries about the "business" of birth and how its suck a marketed thing where it should actually be just a natural process that a woman goes through. How the ceserean rates are increasing and unless you put your foot down and arent easily persuaded in a vulnerable time then you will be induced, given an epidural and possible need to have a c-section. I feel lucky, I did not want to be induced or have an epidural, but I was induced thinking that was what needed to happen and was made to feel guilty or bad about the pain that "i didn't not have to go through" which is why I opted for the epidural. I'm not saying I probably wont ask for it if not beg for it this time around but I have to make myself know that I am strong enough to work through the pain and that in reality the pain I experienced was not that bad when I asked for the epidural with S. I know that I will have the midwives with me to support me and also my husband and mom. But alas I think my body is slowing down and ready to give up for tonight. No new updates on the baby, only that I have my ultrasound next wed. I have to make sure I remind the tech that we do not want to know the sex. Then once we have that done, then we wait a week to make sure everything is healthy. I hope and pray that it is!

Good night!


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