Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well I was actually off by a week on my pregnancy! I was actually 15 weeks back then but I was thinking that the birth center calculations was right. I know when it happened so I'm going by that, not my So I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow. Its all good b/c I still haven't taken another belly pic, I know I suck!

On a horrible note, husband is sick. Apparently he has strepthroat, pink eye, double ear infection and I'm sure he probably has feline aids too. That man gets sick so much and if I got sick as much as he, then my child would not know who I am. I'm also sick, I've had this evil sore throat for the past couple of day and I've been more nauseous than before. I've thrown up more time than I would want and its not helping how much my throat hurts. Hopefully I dont have strepthroat. It is getting better though. Scarlett was the one that started all this. On tuesday she had stuff coming out of her eyes and I knew it wasn't pink eye since I know what that looks like. I figured she had a bad enough cold that it was just coming out of her eyes too. She got a little better tuesday night and wednesday but woke up with it still on thursday so I took her to the doctor and she has a stupid ear infection. The first time ever!!! This child has never been sick like this, I made sure of this by breastfeeding for as long as she wanted and she never got sick during that time. I guess the whole school and being around sick kids thing is not working out for us. I'm hoping she builds her immunity back up in a year before she start actual school.

Now on to a brighter, funner note. I have been feeling the baby kick for about a week and a half now. Blame it on the fact that I'm a tiny person and this baby is probably going to be the size of a t-rex but Its pretty consistant and its just adorable. I'm pretty sure I didn't feel Scarlett until 18 months or so but of course second baby you know what to expect. I'm not feeling too well now but its Easter and I have to make the best of it for Scarlett. Came to my mom's house for an easter hunt and they left to go to a friends how. I might just go to make it easier on my to have someone else watch her. Wish me luck


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