Friday, May 6, 2011

My poor baby

So last night was one sleepless night with S! She woke up around 230am crying which basically meant, regardless of the reason, that I was going to be up from then on. She kept saying her tummy hurt and I figured she just had to poo, but when she kept complaining she wanted to go to the bathroom and so she threw up. Now I can deal with a lot of gross things, and I mean A LOT! But when it deals with saliva or anything coming out of the mouth I suck! I tried to be a sweet as possible to her without hurling myself and I did it! God gave me some sort of strength or whatever it was that I'm been ok with the whole throwing up thing, as long as I cover my ears and dont hear it happening LOL. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep so I couldn't go to work in the morning, she fell asleep around 530ish and woke up at 8 or 9. No longer sick, I ignored her and she fell asleep again until around 11am. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. I'm exhausted and I feel like I haven't slept in days, which is probably accurate. I have to keep watching her make sure she makes it to the designated puke points. I'm staying at my parents house tonight since I know that they will help me in the morning with her and maybe I can get much needed rest. She hasn't eaten much but has thrown up the little that she has. I hate this, I dont know how long its going to last and I can't do much of anything to make her feel better. Well time to try and sleep.


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