Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why kids don't listen

Lately (since a few months before the baby was born), C and I have been having problems getting S to listen. Now its not a big deal compared to other children, she's not doing anything really bad in the process but I don't want this to escalate to something that could be bad. She's so in love with her little brother than she can't resist the urge to kiss him and hug him ALL DAY LONG! Its annoying to him and for us also b/c a lot of this love happens when he's asleep and he gets woken up and then get angry. This is where not listening comes in; she basically "ignores" us when we tell her not to do something half a second before she does it. For example, as she's approaching the baby to kiss him or hug him as he's asleep, we tell her not to do it at that time b/c he's asleep and she hesitates and does it anyways. Its constant and she doesn't seem to understand the concept. Today was the worse one of all but I think I finally understand why kids don't listen.

We were bored at the house and went to the park to let her get out and enjoy the beautiful day. She wanted to go roller skating so we went to Blanchard park. Her bike was in the back of the van since I'm not planning on taking it out any time soon. I needed my jogging stroller so I had to take the bike out first to get that out. She saw it so she decided that instead she wanted to ride the bike. No biggie. We get her helmet on, cross the little road to the bike trail and off she goes. And keeps going and going and we basically are waiting for her to look back and stop or turn around, she doesn't. C calls out to her and no response, again he tries, and nothing. I call out to her and tell her we are going home if she doesn't listen and nothing. She is about a little over a quarter of a mile away when my husbands screams her name as loud as he can without getting arrested and scares the shit out of the baby. Nothing! He runs after her while I try to calm the baby down, who is having a meltdown b/c he just got startled to death. She comes back crying while he's basically telling her she sucks at listening. I take her aside and ask her if she heard him screaming at her. She says not. Now she's not lying and I know this, I just had to re-phrase the questions. "Did you hear daddy say your name?!" No response which means she did hear it. "Why didn't you stop, then?" Her answer made me laugh I almost peed. (sobbing)"Because I was winning" (sob)(sob) Now its not that she didn't hear us, its that she was in her own world. She thought this was a game and we were trying to get her off her game so we could win, and she wasn't having any of that. The moral of the story don't listen. They hear, but they don't listen.

And I will never find the answer as to why, but this kind of explains it a little more. Rules have to be established before any game that you never knew you were a part of starts. That way you don't end up loosing without even knowing it and your child doesn't end up riding her bike into the damn river because she didn't want to stop!


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