Tuesday, August 23, 2011

33 Weeks!

or 34 weeks from what they are calculating. I had my appt today and it went well. S went with me and she has become such a little woman lately. She has started to be a lot less shy with EVERYONE. Second day of school went fantastic and her teachers love her! hey say how lovely and sweet she is. At the midwife appt she talked to the nurse and even got so close as they were checking the baby's heartbeat. She even went behind the desk to the receptionists/nurse and went through her drawers to get a sticker. She would've NEVER done that a few months ago. I gotta love watching my little girl become such a young lady.

I have been feeling really run down lately and it seems like I can't get as much done as I thought I would while I'm not working. Its amazing that I can't find enough time to do everything I want to do. I wanted to fix the house up, like the dry wall, fixing S' room, cleaning the fans which would take a while I think, paint the house trim and the front door, power wash the driveway. So much to do and I just dont seem to have time but also I dont do a lot as it is which makes no sense! I'm sure I will figure this out sooner or later; hopefully before I go crazy and need to find a job!


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