Thursday, June 30, 2011

The joys of a 3 year old

S is a talker. She talks non stop. This is something that I figured would happen since she said her first words at 8 months and she used them correctly. She had a very good vocabulary by the time she was 12 months. That said, I never thought it would be as hilarious, adorable and annoying as it is now. The annoying part is the ALL DAY talking and asking WHY? WHY? WHY? But sometimes I amuse myself by answering every question just to see who gets tired first. I will always lose.

With the baby on the way she is always talking about the baby and asking baby questions. I showed her the anatomy of a pregnant woman so she could visually see whats going on inside and she understood. She knows the baby is "upside down" and thinks its hilarious. Last night after her bath, she was jumping on the bed as she always does and she made a comment how she wants the baby to come out already. I explained how with her it was a long time too and I had to wait for her to be fully done before coming out. And her response was "For me to come out of your VAGINA?" "Yes honey, you had to be fully done before coming out of my vagina" Now, this makes me laugh and I like that she uses that word b/c frankly its hilarious and correct. On the way home that night, which is what I call quite time, so she can wind down and go to sleep so I can get my things done for work the next day, she decided it was time to talk and talk and talk and talk. The conversation was about why this and why that same as always. I wish I could remember what she said b/c I thought to myself, I have to write this down!!! This morning though she went on to say that she wants to move my parents house closer to our house, mind you they live about 3 miles away but whatever. I said well we can't move a house, its just too heavy; she said "well lets make it small" and just can't argue with that. Then she said how she wants to be small like the baby so she can come out again, "I want to have little baby feet and be really little so I can be in your belly and kick like the baby and I want to come out again, I want to do that YESTERDAY" Ok now, dont get too loud with me lol. She wanted to float and be upside down like the baby is now and she wants to be little so she can drink mommy milk. I dont know where she learns all this but its pretty funny.

Aside from asking so much about the baby, cuddling with my belly and talking and kissing it constantly, she is being pretty good and patient about it. I have a feeling there will be no jealousy with them since she is so caring and loving. I love my crazy baby!

Monday, June 27, 2011

25 Weeks!

I'm 25 weeks today, and I only know that because people keep asking me how far along I am or when I'm due and I dont have a concrete answer for them. So I have now resorted to counting the weeks on monday so I know where I am. This means I have 15 weeks to go and I remember how horrible the first 15 weeks were but they are now gone which gives me a little hope this will go by fast. A lot has happened in the last 6 weeks since I've been on here...S started swimming classes last week and she loooooves it. Two classes down and she is mastering holding her breath like a champ and is extremely eager to get into the water. She got a bike from her grandparents and she's being a little weird about it since she believes the bike should do all the pedaling and not her. She also got a cool bedroom set from her grandparents and she loves that...especially her nightlight name "birdie bird" (by her).

As for Thing 2, everything is progressing well. Went to get an ultrasound done by a friend and S was there and loving watching the baby move. She re-enacted all the moves for Tio and Titi and again for me and daddy. She loves to hear the heartbeat and still asks to hear it once in a while. I should've recorded it, maybe during my next appt. Speaking of which, my next appt is going to be the glucose test. This is not going to be an ordinary test, but rather done with healthy foods and not that nasty orange glucola. As far as kicking is concerned, this child is insane. Always active which I'm thankful for and its nice to know that it already has a set schedule for its acrobatics. I'm much more calm now that I know this child is as healthy as it can possibly show on the ultrasound, no physical abnormalities to account for. Its much more important to know that than the sex of the baby. I'm noticing that a lot of friends that found out they were pregnant after me are choosing to have the sex be a surprise. I'm bringing them into the dark side!

Not much else is going on, other than still some nausea here and there. I have finally started to have some significant weight gain which is far, if the scale I'm using is right, I'm only 25lbs away from what I was when S was born. Maybe this time I can hit a really high weight hehe.

I believe that is all for right now!