Monday, October 8, 2012

My Handsome little boy is 1!!

Where has time gone, it seems like yesterday that I was going into labor hoping to have another little girl, but now a year later, this little man has stolen my heart. He is pretty amazing, loves me to death and is better about wanting to be with daddy that S was. He took his first steps about a week before his first birthday and is getting better and better at it. He loves bath time, playing and dogs. He can say ball, hi, bye, and dog. Mostly he grunts when he wants something or he'll sign it. I must be partial but he is pretty smart considering that he's a boy and the second. S is still having issues with her arm, mostly in the morning where she can't stretch it out but gets better during the day, but still cannot go all the way. Waiting on Neumours to open up here so I can have a rheumatologist near here to take her to. Next weekend we are celebrating both of their birthdays together, it will be alice in wonderland! Can't wait to see how all this hard work pays off!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mr. Mason

I definitely have not been keeping up with this blog as much as I thought I would. Writing everything that he does.every month and keeping track of his progress. I will try harder. So far he has been doing great! He should have his 6 month appt soon and We will see how much he weighs. He's been vocalizing a lot. Lots of mamás and dadas. It's cute since he only says mamamama when he's getting mad or uncomfortable. He started sitting up and staying up at around 5 months, same as S but nothing too steady yet. He rolled from back to front first(smart boy) on Jan 26, right at 4 months. No teeth yet but should be soon. He ran a low grade fever for about a day but nothing came of that. He loves baths and really dislikes being smothered by S. She does it anyway. He is starting to push up with his legs while on his stomach so maybe he will get on all 4s soon.

Today We went to.the Easter egg hunt. The same one with took S too the first year she was walking. He was exhausted and S was excited to get eggs. I was tired but glad they both enjoyed it. They got their Easter baskets tonight and she was happy with what he brought her.

It's late. Time for bed.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

She's free!

S' cast came off yesterday. It was also her first day back at school. She went for the first few hours then I picked her up to take her to the pediatric center. She saw the nice PA who wanted to keep it on for another week and I kinda agreed, she had another xray to see the progress and then got it taken off to be examined by the orthopedic Dr. Once he looked at the xray and examined her, he said she didn't need it anymore yay! Lets just hope she's able to extend it on her own and its healed completely.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My little man!

He is growing up so fast! He is 3 months already (or 14 weeks tomorrow in obsessed mom or Dr terms)! I love him so much but thinking about him being a man scares me. If I had two girls I'm sure I wouldn't feel this way. I'm so attached to my mom and can tell her anything and I know S will be the same, but I hope he is too. I want another girl though. No more kids! He was 14 lbs 4oz when I took his for his 2 month appt. Even though the scale said 16.4, I found out later it was 2 lbs off. I checked him again at my bosom buddies group and again at the Dr when I took S for her elbow issue. He is 24 1/2 inches long. About 90% for weight and 95% for length. S was in the 60s at 35.5lbs and 40 1/2 inches tall!

He is doing so good nursing, although after coming back from our surprise visit to grandma's for Christmas, he has been holding in his poo and going once a day or not at all which makes his CRAN-KY! Other than that, he's pretty awesome. And we might just keep him


When I saw the bugaboo donkey stroller earlier this year, I wanted to die, come back as a millionaire and have kids just so I could get it. It. Is. Amazing. That said, is doing a giveaway and I have to blog about how excited I am and how much I hope I win! Here is the link.

Wish me luck. Cuz I will have to play the lottery and win or sell myself to have this perfect stroller for my kids LOL

It's been a while...

I've been busy busy but it's a new year and new US. I think I need to blog more to keep all their milestones here. So here's a quick recap:
I'd noticed how S' right arm or mainly her elbow was swollen one morning and she couldn't straighten it out. I noticed this after trying to take her pajamas off and she started crying and I thought it was just her whinning because of how fast I took it off. I Feel Horrible. So took her to school and told the teacher to keep and eye on her and if she complained then to just call me. She then said, oh she probably slept on it wrong. I picked her up that day, still swollen but she said insisted it did not hurt. I called the doctor and made an appt, then I cancelled it since the swelling went down and she could straighten it. I Suck! I noticed as days went that she kept going back to keeping it at 90 degrees in the mornings but extending it more at night...finally I took her in as part of her and M's check up and three doctor said it was a dislocated elbow, normal at this age. She popped it back in and told me to call her back if she didn't get back to normal. S cried, I felt bad. Again. And on top of that pain, she had to get shots too! Two days later, still the same UGH! So I took her back in and she said it might be fractured or just so out of place that she will need an xray and possibly a cast. What?! I I'm feeling shittier and shittier for not doing this sooner. I also had her check a cough and fever she didn't have 2 days prior. She then recommended a nebulizer with albuterol! What the hell! My baby was having such a bad wee and that was the day after her school play which she did wonderful in despite feeling like that. The doctor gave her a breathing treatment there and being such a healthy kid as she is, she had never been through any of this in her whole life, let alone in one day. That said she was having a panic attack in the office with that mask on! That made the Dr recommend we take her to the er to get the xray since she may need to be sedated! Ok fine! I give up! My mom couldn't go with me to the hospital so I asked C to see if he could leave early to go with me, by the time he got home and ate dinner, it was late and the doctor she sent us to was gone. We went the next day and waited and waited and waited in the er. She did ok with the xray my husband said, but not great since the tech needed her arm to go in a painful position for it. Waited some more and finally got to see the orthopaedic doctor on call who said she needed a cast! Shit! I must say, that little girl is wonderful. We were there for almost 6 hours, with a prescription and recommendation mind you, and she did awesome while the cast got put on. She was even a little excited because it was pink. 2 weeks and she gets it taken off on Tuesday! Yay! Her cough got better with the nebulizer and she has been pretty normal with the cast on her right arm being that she's right-handed and all. I cannot express how much I love her and I'm so proud, even though she drives me crazy 90% of the time.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why kids don't listen

Lately (since a few months before the baby was born), C and I have been having problems getting S to listen. Now its not a big deal compared to other children, she's not doing anything really bad in the process but I don't want this to escalate to something that could be bad. She's so in love with her little brother than she can't resist the urge to kiss him and hug him ALL DAY LONG! Its annoying to him and for us also b/c a lot of this love happens when he's asleep and he gets woken up and then get angry. This is where not listening comes in; she basically "ignores" us when we tell her not to do something half a second before she does it. For example, as she's approaching the baby to kiss him or hug him as he's asleep, we tell her not to do it at that time b/c he's asleep and she hesitates and does it anyways. Its constant and she doesn't seem to understand the concept. Today was the worse one of all but I think I finally understand why kids don't listen.

We were bored at the house and went to the park to let her get out and enjoy the beautiful day. She wanted to go roller skating so we went to Blanchard park. Her bike was in the back of the van since I'm not planning on taking it out any time soon. I needed my jogging stroller so I had to take the bike out first to get that out. She saw it so she decided that instead she wanted to ride the bike. No biggie. We get her helmet on, cross the little road to the bike trail and off she goes. And keeps going and going and we basically are waiting for her to look back and stop or turn around, she doesn't. C calls out to her and no response, again he tries, and nothing. I call out to her and tell her we are going home if she doesn't listen and nothing. She is about a little over a quarter of a mile away when my husbands screams her name as loud as he can without getting arrested and scares the shit out of the baby. Nothing! He runs after her while I try to calm the baby down, who is having a meltdown b/c he just got startled to death. She comes back crying while he's basically telling her she sucks at listening. I take her aside and ask her if she heard him screaming at her. She says not. Now she's not lying and I know this, I just had to re-phrase the questions. "Did you hear daddy say your name?!" No response which means she did hear it. "Why didn't you stop, then?" Her answer made me laugh I almost peed. (sobbing)"Because I was winning" (sob)(sob) Now its not that she didn't hear us, its that she was in her own world. She thought this was a game and we were trying to get her off her game so we could win, and she wasn't having any of that. The moral of the story don't listen. They hear, but they don't listen.

And I will never find the answer as to why, but this kind of explains it a little more. Rules have to be established before any game that you never knew you were a part of starts. That way you don't end up loosing without even knowing it and your child doesn't end up riding her bike into the damn river because she didn't want to stop!