Thursday, October 6, 2011

My baby boy

So far this boy is doing so great! Maybe it was the natural birth coupled with the fact that Over the rainbow was playing while he was born or that he just happens to be one of those babies. Nevertheless he's doing very well nursing, and just being cute overall. His umbilical cord fell out Sunday night which would put him at 6 days. That seemed really fast for me but I also felt that it was more like it was yanked out by his diapers and clothes. Tonight he got his first real bath, no pics though since he would've fallen over and drowned if one of us wasn't holding him. He hated it, cried the whole time and it was only about a 2 mins bath, which means it would've taken longer to get the camera than to just finish it!

On to other, quite sadder news, tomorrow we go and get his weiner snipped! I am NOT looking forward to this at all. As the mom I'm thinking how he's perfect and no need for anything to be changed. Of course husband wants to make sure they "look alike" as he gets older. What is it with men and their dicks?!?! I haven't had a problem with S comparing herself to me, she could care less. Which I'm sure it would be the case with a boy but I guess we'll never know. Honestly, I'm scared shitless. I dont want my little love to suffer! Yes, I know he wont remember but I will and I have to deal with him being in pain and not being able to do anything about it. What if something goes wrong, what if they cut too much or he bleeds too much!!?!? These are all things that I have to worry about! But I leave it all in God's hands, its just a circumcision right? I wonder if Jesus was snipped, he was Jewish after all!

Moving on from that topic. I have yet to find a new car! I need to have a day where I sit and research but all I'm finding are the same cars listed for sale. Nothing really new. I'm hoping to use this weekend as a car shopping few days...maybe I can find some good colombus day deals...

More on weiner snipping tomorrow I guess.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mason's Birth Story

Well here it is! Im finally getting a minute to sit down normally and not have anything other than a boppy with a baby in front of me.

Warning: this is probably going to be quite funny and maybe a little gross.

It all started around 4:30am Sept 26th. Just lying in bed i start getting cramps...ok no big deal, until I realize I can sleep between them but not during them. Ugh! "I had so much to do today" I thought, plus technically I still had about two weeks to go. By now Im hoping to get the ultimate sign that Im in labor...then it happens, I had to poo. It happened with S and I figured that it was time to start laboring. So I took a warm shower, did my hair, gave myself a quick pedi all while having contractions 3-6 mins apart. By now it was probably 6am and I was getting bored. Took the doggies for a walk to get labor going faster and let the husband sleep until he was ready to wake up for work. He woke up, we took S to school and he stayed home from work. All those kids running around school was the last thing I wanter to deal with, but I had to show him where her class was. At some point I took a nap which somewhow caused my contractions to be 20 mins, good for napping but not so much for progressing lol. At some point I was getting hungry then realized we needed groceries, so we went to publix to walk around and get some last minute things for the house and snacks for the birth center. It was quite interesting getting contractions in the middle of the store and people probably thought I was crazy. We then walked over to subway and went home. Ate lunch and just went about the business of cleaning up some of what was left to clean in the house. By now contractions are still 3-5 mins apart and the midwife calls me to tell me to just come in and get checked just in case. At that point I had just passed the mucus plug and was about to call her anyways. Yes lovely information! So we got the suitcase finished up, got the camera and the snacks ready and headed out. Called my mom who had picked up S from school and told her we were on our way to the birth center and that I would call her back if I was told to stay. The entire car ride I was praying I didnt get any contractions b/c being in the car and having one is like having a stick up your ass...basically not fun at all. On that note I had 3 on the way there...judging that it was a 25-30 mins drive, then it could've been worse.

Now on to the birth center.
We get there and Jessica who is the sweetest girl ever and she's the receptionist was kinda excited to see me. Waited a few mins and then got checked, it was around 3ish when we got there and I was 6cm which was pretty good progress I think. Apparently my body can dilate very quickly. So I walked and watched some TV, talked to the girls there and started feeling them coming more and more quickly and more intense. Around 530pm I was checked again and was 8cm! This was good and bad news since I've heard that from 8-10cms is the worse possible thing ever! I was a little scared but I didn't feel so bad for most of it. I was trying to just get the baby to move down and trying lots of things. I spent most of the time in the tub and at some point I was in a lot of pain, I mean A LOT. I could barely talk! But it still didn't seem like it was the worse of it so I was dealing with it the best I could. At some point I got on this birthing seat thing that resembles a toilet and then I started to experience some evil contractions, I mean these made me want to punch puppies in the face they were so strong! But it helped move baby down just enough I got checked and was ready to push, on my back! Finally at around 11pm it got to be the worse pain and yes I know, a looong time went by before there was any news and I just realized that now since time at that moment had no meaning to me. I had no idea what period of the day I was in. That was suprising to me since that's the worse way to push out a baby, should've gravity be used to help? Anyways I just kept thinking that they had their reasons.

Now being that this was a natural, med-free birth, I didn't know what to expect during pushing. I mean, I know what contractions felt like from before so that wasn't an issue but pushing I'm sure was going to suck. I laid down and had the midwife and nurse and husband there. S and my parents were out in the living room area waiting, S kept asking the midwife if she could come and see me and she told her not right now. That was sad for her I'm sure. So I pushed. God only knows for how long but that shit hurt. this little creature did not want to come out and kept popping its head back in after all the hard work of me pushing. I'm pretty sure I pooped myself several times too. So I kept pushing and them it happened, LEG CRAMPS! OMG these cramps where like charlie horses on steroids. I wanted to die! Both legs were doing it at the same time...lots of crying and whinning from my part. Somehow at around 1147pm I gave birth FINALLY! This baby was sooo small and skinny compared to fat little S when she was born. I kept wondering why it was so hard for me to push him out. The nurse was getting ready to take out the little hat in the gender specific color and then remembered that we didn't know what it was. She opened his legs and it was a BOY! I was freaking exhausted! But it was more contractions. After a while chris was told that the baby was face up, not the best ways for the baby to be positioned but all and all he did come out so I guess that was good. I didn't tear like last time, thanks to my awesome midwife and their home remedies. We stayed there for about 5 hours and then went home at around 6am. It was odd to come home without S and with a new baby but that night/day combination(since we got home around 6am) was kinda crazy. We didn't sleep I'm sure, but then again I can't seem to remember. To summarize why it took so long for Thing 2 to come out, basically he was face up or sunny side up. Apparently one of the most painful ways for a child to come out. Maybe that due to how much longer and harder you have to push but it was not fun. Once he was out they removed the cord which was wrapped around his neck and handed him to me. Husband said there was a lot of blood, good he told me about a couple of days after, b/c I would've freaked. I did get a shot of something to stop the bleeding though. Seems like a lot of crazy things happened. I'm glad I went through with the natural non-hospital birth. I feel as if this was at a hospital then I would've ended up with an unnecessary c section and it would've been blamed on those two things, the cord and his position. Thanks to my midwife Michelle and our awesome nurse who I didn't even get her name and most of all to my husband for helping me stay calm and focused and being a good hypnobirth partner.

Welcome to the world baby Mason!