Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting back into this...AGAIN!

Well about 4 weeks ago one night I felt the worse random nausea ever! Which made me think OH CRAP I'm pregnant. I waited until the morning and used a pregnancy test that I had from a few months back. That morning I was the first one up and sure enough it was positive. Chris then woke up, I told him to go into the bathroom and he saw it and was soooo excited. I on the other hand knew what was waiting on hand for me the next several months....horrible nausea. So far I've had a headache for about 4 or 5 weeks, and to make matters worse that makes my nausea a little more horrible. Scarlett started school on Jan 3rd and that is getting to me. I'm so exhausted coming home after work and making her lunch for the next day, then waking up and making her and myself breakfast and hurrying off to school and then driving an hour to work and starting all over again. I must say weekends are my friends if not my lovers. I have used this time to sleep in short spurts until Scarlett wakes me up. So far I've realized that those two days of rest are neccessary. As for the birthing part of this journey, I have decided(and chris has agreed) that this will be a natural birth at a birthing center. Found the perfect place and went on a tour on the 10th of Feb. I loved it! No pain killers will be used and a midwife will be with me every step of the way. Hopefully labor will be a better experience than the pregnancy :-) that is all for now, until next time